I just buy components all the time. Sometimes, it turns out, I magically have enough for another machine.
Of course, now I have a problem that I don't wanna cycle my home servers through... as a PII-300 with 512MB would be a horrible overkill of a Firewall machine. And a 900MHz 1.5GB would seems to be WAY overkill for a nfs/music streamer/debian repo/ISO Sanctuary.
I already have an XP2500+ I have not yet cycled through yet. I tested it 2 weeks ago, was the processor in my main machine when the MB blew. It passed with flying colors and no smoke being released.
/me currently has a Duron 850MHz, Thunderbird 900MHz and an XP2500+ laying around doing nothing. Not enough to build a machine... but getting there. I need a good cheap motherboard right now for the 900MHz.