you're equating our large urban centres with the rest of the country.
Further, the real problem we have with gun control in Toronto etc is that the gun runners aren't being punished enough. Personally, I think if you're caught selling firearms to people who don't have the proper papers (an FAC and/or handgun certificate), you should get tossed in the clink for a year or two at least, and perhaps up to ten to fifteen depending on just how hardcore your merchandising is.
It's a bit of a problem; an effective gun control regime for Toronto is not like one for Fort McMurray. That said, the big problem we've been having lately is because a lot of handguns are coming over the border from Syracuse, Buffalo, Detroit, etc. They do manage to interdict a lot of them at the border, but it's hard to get all of them.
This was not a major problem even in places like Toronto ten years ago. We need to nip it now before it gets even more out of control.