Sydney !
1) Beautiful setting
2) Good company
3) Delightful sunny sandy beaches
4) Good beer & company
5) Easy to get to the Blue Mountains
6) Good food, beer & company
7) Great Sydney harbour cruises
8) Good sightseeing, food, beer & company
If you come here, am sure we can provide some chaufer driven tours & take you to some out of the way top-notch eating & drinking establishments. Could probably put you up for a week (but you would need to hire a car - Sydney public transport other than harbour cruises, is lousey).
Could be a great opportunity for an Aussie IWETHEYS dinner out (eh youse others living eer - wothcher rekon mates ?)
As for Melbourne
1) The food is also good
2) The public transport is great
3) The beaches are non-existant
4) Tha harbour can't be seen very well (thank god)
4) The good company won't be there (No IWETHEYers)
5) The rain is clean and persistent and pervasive
6) The sightseeing is minimal (and further reduced by the rain)