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New Re: hug a table
It may always be the same format, but the actual values may throw off the parsing unless your reg.ex is perfect.
Format: some.string.for.a.key=The value for it. You're inventing problems. Yes, I know you like to write where clauses to search for stuff. It Isn't Necessary. I don't even use regular expressions to grep for things.

In fact, this is a stupid conversation to begin with. Here's the search process:

What screen? FooScreen. OK, go to the FooScreenMessages.properties file.
What language? French. OK, go to the FooScreenMessages_fr.properties file.
What message key? "some.error.message". OK, open FooScreenMessages_fr.properties file, hit 'ctrl-s' for search, and start typing the key 'some.error.message'.

You're inventing problems.

Data-centric shops often are familiar with and accept table browsing tools. I agree that a shop needs a certain level of "investment" in tablized techniques before it is cost effective, but once you reach that point, tables are a very nice thing.
We have over 1 million lines of PL/SQL source code. Huge hulking database servers. Hundreds of tables. Millions upon millions of records in them. Everyone here has a copy of Toad, and most of them can use SQL*Plus without batting an eye. I hardly think we qualify as unfamiliar with table browsing tools.

Storing the same stuff in text files seems archaic in comparison.
It's the simplest thing that works. Putting it in tables adds nothing to the process other than overhead.

But tables are the wave of the future.
Keep telling yourself that. To everyone else they're just one tool among many.

So to distill your arguments: use tables instead of text files because Bryce is more familiar with them. Other than that there are no tangible benefits. Since you didn't answer the other points, I will assume that you concede the overhead.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New query and change by multiple factors
Here's the search process: What screen? FooScreen. OK, go to the FooScreenMessages.properties file.
What language? French. OK, go to the FooScreenMessages_fr.properties file.
What message key? "some.error.message". OK, open FooScreenMessages_fr.properties file, hit 'ctrl-s' for search, and start typing the key 'some.error.message'.

Yes, but if you have multiple screens to change, you end up opening and closing a bunch over and over again. Suppose you had a query like:
\n  select * from messages \n  where appID='nerg'\n    and screen='blah' and msgKey='zok' and language='french'\n

Then you would only have to edit the search parameters for each one. (Some browsers can be made to prompt if you put a special marker in place of a parameter.) There is no open-open-open, close-close-close, open-open-open.... pattern that a file editor would have to keep going through. (Yeah, I know, you can write editor scripts.)

And suppose we needed to change the word 'back' to 'previous' in *multiple* screens:
\n  select * from messages \n  where msgText like '%back%' and language='english'\n

We can then get a list, inspect it to see which ones need changing, and then change those we want. (I am assuming that we want to study each one rather than a sudden bulk change.) Your approach would take longer because you have to open and close each file/screen that needs a change. The query brings it all together in one edit-grid. In fact, the query approach will immediatly tell us how many need changing. You would have to go to grep first.
New vim `grep -lr "search_term" *`

Implicitly condoning stupidity since 2001.
New No, no, no!
Firing up Toad and running the same query in 6 different environments is MUCH better than doing that!

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New grep is your SQL
Firing up Toad and running the same query in 6 different environments is MUCH better than doing that!

Toad would already be open.

So grep and goofy command-line parameters are better? And each utility invents its own.
New Of course it is :)
Because "grep string files" is SO much HARDER than "SELECT stuff FROM tables WHERE string=somevalue ORDER BY something;", innit?

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New SQL requires much less parsing because "slots" predefined
New It doesn't work that way.
Shared messages are in one file.

And your ignoring the issue of promoting these changes through the environments. Until you understand that, all of this is really hand-waving.

You're adding nothing other than overhead.

Your approach would take longer because you have to open and close each file/screen that needs a change.
It might if that were an actual change that occurred. You're inventing problems. Or let's say you're not. Let's say that someone actually comes up with that change, once. WHO CARES? You're adding overhead and complexity for one lousy change that might happen once. Sounds like a pain in the ass to me.

And are you going to concede that we aren't exactly unfamiliar with databases and their uses here?


-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
     Resource files - (admin) - (38)
         Speaking of Struts - (ChrisR) - (7)
             Ya. - (admin) - (6)
                 OT: Recommendation request. - (mmoffitt) - (5)
                     For which? JSP? J2EE? -NT - (admin) - (4)
                         All of the above. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                             Re: All of the above. - (admin) - (2)
                                 Ordered. Thanks. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                                     It's a great book. - (admin)
         hug a table - (tablizer) - (29)
             Re: hug a table - (admin) - (7)
                 query and change by multiple factors - (tablizer) - (6)
                     vim `grep -lr "search_term" *` -NT - (drewk) - (4)
                         No, no, no! - (admin) - (3)
                             grep is your SQL - (tablizer) - (2)
                                 Of course it is :) - (pwhysall) - (1)
                                     SQL requires much less parsing because "slots" predefined -NT - (tablizer)
                     It doesn't work that way. - (admin)
             Question: - (admin) - (20)
                 I hate to say it, but Bill Gates is on my side WRT files - (tablizer) - (12)
                     Is that supposed to be a Good Thing[TM]? -NT - (Yendor)
                     Oh, now THERE'S an argument. - (admin)
                     Convergence - (ChrisR) - (2)
                         What "convergence", anyway? - (admin) - (1)
                             But Bill Gates innovated it!!! -NT - (ChrisR)
                     Tee hee hee - (altmann) - (2)
                         *snort* :-D -NT - (admin)
                         Not surprising. It is a hedge - (tablizer)
                     I'm glad you admit it - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                         Today and Tommarow - (tablizer) - (2)
                             Today *IS* tomorrow - (folkert)
                             "More powerful abstraction" has no absolute meaning - (ben_tilly)
                 The problem with putting config info in tables... - (ChrisR) - (6)
                     No, no, no! - (admin) - (5)
                         I've seen that - (JimWeirich) - (4)
                             Re: I've seen that - (admin) - (3)
                                 You're very clever, young man, very clever... - (altmann) - (2)
                                     No, it isn't... - (admin) - (1)
                                         ..standing on Great A'Tuin - (Ashton)

Hey, it's a hard day's work in the pits of Minas Morgul, orking cows all day...
94 ms