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New Trying to solve an access problem
(#2 - just was advised that the forum server part of their website is actually in Germany, only the main website is hosted in the US - probably doesn't change the problem much)

I have been actively accessing the below website while participating in the beta of a new product (some will recognise it from earlier input I was given in this forum). The product is ZOC & the company EmTec is based in Germany but their server is hosted in US. I have no problems accessing www.Emtec.com but can not always get through to www.emtec.com:8000/index.php

The details are a tad complex so I will try to put this as simply as I can.

1) My company notebook has been the prime conduit to the above named link and has been working ok but increasingly I began to get the below message whilst accessing this link from work......

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: [link|http://forum.emtec.com:8000/index.php|http://forum.emtec.com:8000/index.php]
The following error was encountered:
Connection Failed
The system returned:

(111) Connection refused
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Mon, 17 May 2004 18:03:34 GMT by davdmz1.davids.com.au (Squid/2.4.STABLE2)

2) So I then tried using my collection of home computers, on a new ISP, to access the above link. I am consistently getting similar connection refused message. I have changed my router to permit IDENT requests plus any others but that makes no difference.

3) So the picture at this point is that from work I can very occasionally get through nodays whereas 1 month ago I was regularly reaching their site

4) Now come the bit I don't understand.... IF I take my work notebook home & connect to my home LAN then access the above link, it works almost evert time ??? - but if I still try to access this link from my other home computers, on this same LAN, they all fail ???

5) At the moment, the only way I now seem able to access the emtec:8000 port is by taking my work notebook home & using it on my home LAN.

If anyone can take a guess or suggest other techniques to pinpoint possible causes at what might be causing this I would be grateful as I can't see why this should occur. The frustration is at not being easily able to read or post items at this site at a time I am doing a major conversion involving ZOC software.


Doug Marker
Collapse Edited by dmarker May 17, 2004, 12:22:32 AM EDT
Trying to solve an access problem

I have been actively accessing the below website while participating in the beta of a new product (some will recognise it from earlier input I was given in this forum). The product is ZOC & the company EmTec is based in Germany but their server is hosted in US. I have no problems accessing www.Emtec.com but can not always get through to www.emtec.com:8000/index.php

The details are a tad complex so I will try to put this as simply as I can.

1) My company notebook has been the prime conduit to the above named link and has been working ok but increasingly I began to get the below message whilst accessing this link from work......

The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: [link|http://forum.emtec.com:8000/index.php|http://forum.emtec.com:8000/index.php]
The following error was encountered:
Connection Failed
The system returned:

(111) Connection refused
The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Mon, 17 May 2004 18:03:34 GMT by davdmz1.davids.com.au (Squid/2.4.STABLE2)

2) So I then tried using my collection of home computers, on a new ISP, to access the above link. I am consistently getting similar connection refused message. I have changed my router to permit IDENT requests plus any others but that makes no difference.

3) So the picture at this point is that from work I can very occasionally get through nodays whereas 1 month ago I was regularly reaching their site

4) Now come the bit I don't understand.... IF I take my work notebook home & connect to my home LAN then access the above link, it works almost evert time ??? - but if I still try to access this link from my other home computers, on this same LAN, they all fail ???

5) At the moment, the only way I now seem able to access the emtec:8000 port is by taking my work notebook home & using it on my home LAN.

If anyone can take a guess or suggest other techniques to pinpoint possible causes at what might be causing this I would be grateful as I can't see why this should occur. The frustration is at not being easily able to read or post items at this site at a time I am doing a major conversion involving ZOC software.


Doug Marker
New at work it may be you work firewall
I was able to get to that index but of course no issue with the login as I dont have one. et your firewall guy at work to see what if anything gets dropped when you try to get it.
Time for Lord Stanley to get a Tan
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Asked the manager but was told

none else is reporting any problems like that - just you :-)

They do have mail-marshall in operation & we have two proxy servers. I have tried both. The connection-refused part of it looks like a classic IDENT request failure. That I could understand as I am sure our Sidewinder / PIX firewall config, will block IDENT somewhere.

The situation at home mystifies me. One last test I will try shortly, is to remove my LAN & router & do a direct connect to ISP & see if my home server will get through then. But why would my work PC fail to get thru at work but work fine at home at the same time as my home servers won't get thru, they all go thru the same NAT firewall router ???

New Just eliminated home router as the block

This one of my servers is directly connected to big pond ISP and in addition I
shutdown ZoneAlarm Pro on this machine.

All I get is a timeout (rather than the connection refused message).

New No help from me.
Here, the following all work:
  1. Fedora Core 2 Test 3, Mozilla 1.6
  2. Fedora Core 1, Mozilla 1.4.1
  3. WinMe, Firefox 0.8
  4. WinMe, IE 6.0
  5. Win XP, IE 6.0
All behind Linksys firewall/router.

"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." -- Winston Churchill
New Thanks for trying - perhaps someone outside US ...

could see what results they get - Peter, are you willing to give it a go


I have some threads posted in the beta & general section relating to the beta & my ongoing testing.

ZOC will be a nice enhancement to ZOC 4


New Re: Thanks for trying - perhaps someone outside US ...



The requested URL could not be retrieved


\r\nWhile trying to retrieve the URL:


\r\nThe following error was encountered:

  • \r\n\r\nConnection Failed\r\n\r\n

\r\nThe system returned:\r\n

    (113) No route to host


\r\nThe remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.\r\n


Your cache administrator is [link|mailto:webmaster|webmaster]. \r\n

\r\n<BR clear="all">\r\n
\r\n\r\nGenerated Mon, 17 May 2004 06:10:57 GMT by ariel.tranquillity.lan (squid/2.5.STABLE5)\r\n

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Peter - thanks. Can u get to www.emtec.com ok ?

If so I will pass this info on to the guys at emtec.

The response you posted is one of the ones I get.

Am still STUMPED as to why my work notebook, when used at home, on my
own LAN, get thru ok.


New Re: Peter - thanks. Can u get to www.emtec.com ok ?
peter@ariel:~$ tcptraceroute www.emtec.com\r\nSelected device eth0, address, port 50796 for outgoing packets\r\nTracing the path to www.emtec.com ( on TCP port 80, 30 hops max\r\n 1 (  1.184 ms  1.087 ms  1.079 ms\r\n 2 (  21.091 ms  11.912 ms  14.015 ms\r\n 3  midd-t2cam1-b-ge911.inet.ntl.com (  16.197 ms  15.066 ms  13.601 ms\r\n 4  midd-t2core-b-ge-wan62.inet.ntl.com (  9.969 ms  11.692 ms  10.419 ms\r\n 5  ren-bb-b-so-220-0.inet.ntl.com (  16.152 ms  40.931 ms  13.108 ms\r\n 6  ren-bb-a-ae0-0.inet.ntl.com (  15.679 ms  51.470 ms  22.401 ms\r\n 7  bre-bb-b-so-200-0.inet.ntl.com (  27.415 ms  26.116 ms  26.071 ms\r\n 8  fran-ic-1-so-000-0.inet.ntl.com (  48.845 ms  43.536 ms  50.767 ms\r\n 9  DE-CIX2.F-2-eth020.de.lambdanet.net (  96.634 ms  67.911 ms  41.018 ms\r\n10  N-1-eth200-0.de.lambdanet.net (  44.375 ms  51.821 ms  44.965 ms\r\n11  ODN-N.de.lambdanet.net.de.lambdanet.net (  46.732 ms  71.496 ms  48.222 ms\r\n12  steinstr3.gate.odn.net (  67.023 ms  48.046 ms  65.694 ms\r\n13  medusa.odn.de ( [open]  48.924 ms  44.482 ms  52.581 ms\r\n

[link|http://www.debian.org|Shill For Hire]
[link|http://www.kuro5hin.org|There is no K5 Cabal]
New Again thanks - hmmm seems that their website isn't in US

I will ask Marcus Schmidt again tomorrow. Perhaps he meant that their
delivery servers (for ZOC) is in US.

Thanks muchly for the tests from UK.

New Alex, just to eliminate all doubt, were these to the full ..

link of www.emtec.com:8000/index.php (rather than just www.emtec.com ?)

Just want to be completely clear on the results.


New Different. It timed out.
But, originally you had:


Now, you don't have 'forum.' prefix.

"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it." -- Winston Churchill
Expand Edited by a6l6e6x May 17, 2004, 03:29:15 PM EDT
New OOOOPS ! - will check that again
I fucked up !

On my work notebook the link was emailed to me & I clicked it then saved the link.
On my home computers I enetered the web url then the port etc:
My appologies for asking you to partake in this little 'dance'

I still have the problem at work but I think Box was right re our
firewall which was upgraded after sasser & that was when I stopped
getting emtec forum access.


#2 PS - I was just in contact with Marcus Schmidt the author of ZOC & moderator of the forum & even he missed the www -> forum subtlety so I
don't feel quite so stupid about my cock-up in transcription :-)
Expand Edited by dmarker May 17, 2004, 06:35:29 PM EDT
     Trying to solve an access problem - (dmarker) - (12)
         at work it may be you work firewall - (boxley) - (2)
             Asked the manager but was told - (dmarker)
             Just eliminated home router as the block - (dmarker)
         No help from me. - (a6l6e6x) - (8)
             Thanks for trying - perhaps someone outside US ... - (dmarker) - (4)
                 Re: Thanks for trying - perhaps someone outside US ... - (pwhysall) - (3)
                     Peter - thanks. Can u get to www.emtec.com ok ? - (dmarker) - (2)
                         Re: Peter - thanks. Can u get to www.emtec.com ok ? - (pwhysall) - (1)
                             Again thanks - hmmm seems that their website isn't in US - (dmarker)
             Alex, just to eliminate all doubt, were these to the full .. - (dmarker) - (2)
                 Different. It timed out. - (a6l6e6x) - (1)
                     OOOOPS ! - will check that again - (dmarker)

I'm sure when this came out, it was better than whatever else was out. Want to play chess with me, son? No way, Dad.
195 ms