- about which (polite folk) simply may not speak. She is to remain invisible, for all polite conversation in the house. (As, in Murican culture, one does not fart; one (used to) expels gas .. and the thousands of other euphemisms, which are our chosen form of noncommunication of Basic Issues.

Yes, it is always jarring to the Faithful - to have anyone bring up the *record* of the effects of Believers upon Other-believers: especially effects of their regular raids on Other-Believers, through the Ages. In gawd's Name cha cha cha - Always.

But that connection Can Be Explored at zIWE or:
we may as well be a Bridge Club. And if not Now?
Then: When?
would there be a more up-to-date Example of the utterly predictable phenomena of 'Believers' and their lethally-sanctimonious yammerings?

Onward Xian Sojers ---> of all Screeds n'Deeds; Kill a Commie for Christ

who demurs on that entire sandbox of turpitude