Nightowl doesn't like the thread in Politics about how religion is evil and should be destroyed.
I don't like it either, but for completely different reasons.
Partly right, Ben. But there's so much more, and maybe people just don't see it like I am.
The torture thread, for example. Everyone had to argue who started torture, who taught it to whom, it got downright volatile, to me, anyway. Who cares where it came from, it happened, and it happened at the hands of US soldiers, why does that reflect on any other country?
The thread about Rumsfeld and the panel and all, it turned into so much more than a political debate, it almost sounded "personal" between members of the IWT community. I guess there's nothing wrong with that, but it seemed so sad to me that it came to that.
Yes, the religion thread, and even the Iraq thread of genocide. Killing everyone doesn't solve anything. That bothers me a lot, that anyone here would even begin to THINK about advocating that kind of massacre. I just wouldn't have seen it in anyone's hearts here, not even the WORST ones.
All I know is, it's gotten real gloomy in here, real dark, real sad, real volatile, and honestly, downright depressing.
Yes, I know I can refrain from reading it, but that's not my point. I believe I've made my point, or at least I hope so.
And for Broomberg who seems to think I wanted everyone to agree, well I never said that, and I certainly never thought that. I just thought we could debate things with a little less hate, venom and viciousness.
So put words in my mouth if you want, but I didn't say we should all be the same, all think the same or all do the same. What a boring place IWT would be if we were.
Nightowl >8#