To quote from the debate:

Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise to strongly oppose H. Res. 627, the Iraqi Prisoner Resolution, because it is simply deficient as a statement expressing the outrage and revulsion that I feel, and that I believe the American people feel, about the despicable abuse and humiliation of these prisoners.

The resolution also lacks any call for bipartisan congressional investigations to be conducted immediately into these allegations of abuse, including those by U.S. civilian contractor personnel or other U.S. civilians, and into chain of command and other systemic deficiencies that contributed to this abuse, which have been called for by members of both parties.

It is impossible to exaggerate the seriousness and importance of this abusive mistreatment. It sets us back in the War on Terrorism by turning against us the very allies among moderate Muslims that we need in order to be successful. It taints the reputation of our Nation in the world community and the reputation of our men and women in uniform for years to come. It undermines U.S. credibility as the world's leader in the protection of international human rights. It hurts our efforts to protect the state of Israel and broker peace in the Middle East. And it invites similar abuse of members of our military, indeed any U.S. citizen, who may be captured by our enemies in the future. My great fear is that American lives will be lost because of the impact of this illegal, inhumane and un-American mistreatment.

The Bush administration has not gone nearly far enough or fast enough to apologize for these human rights abuses, or to hold accountable those who are responsible for them, and neither does this resolution. I am therefore opposed to it.
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