The Nightline show was pandering to the Anti-Bush\n segment exclusively; it was never designed as a patriotic\n or memorial display; it was simply to increase Ratings\n (even though the people at ABC said ahead of time that they\n expected a decrease in ratings for the show).\n\n PBS and NPR are the bellwether for the vast Left Wing\n Liberal Bias in the Media, and therefore their funding \n should be cut or eliminated; we don't want to spend \n Taxpayer Money\ufffd to promote such anti-American tripe as \n what they routinely broadcast.
How'm I doing so far?
I think you'll find a rather high correlation coefficient between this and your own expressly presented sentiments here in this thread.
As far as the numbers go, I completely made them up. (Never let it be said that I can't learn from our leaders in Washington ;-) ) The numbers are a red herring, as we both know (and at least I will readily admit); the point is not the numbers, the point is the sentiment. One can take a snapshot of any one of these exchanges in this thread, and say "No, I didn't say that", and they'd be right. It's called taking something out of context. Overall, Bill, you have expressed the Party Line listed above quite clearly. And you complain about counterbalancing.