(Heard review earlier of, The Jesus Factor re GWB's BornAgainness, on NPR.)

This creepy wastrel, with the mental acuity of a mayfly -- is Doing Gawd's Work; the sucker admits to Believing This. Not much more can/need be said.

Himmler, the failed chicken farmer - had his epiphany on peering into the dead but turbulent eyes of Herr Schickelgruber [sp? CRC once corrected] and saw there: an end to his days of scraping out all that chickenshit. Insted he would heap megatons of same on anyone not-him. And he had the bag with the codes, of his day.

(Met a guy who had met Himmler once, for about an hour - as the war was starting to crash down on the \ufffdbermensch.. Interesting vignette of his demeanor.)

Such are the 'leaders' - last century and, so far. This film could never get financing, but - we get to live through it.

O schlimmer zeit.
O .. schlim-mer-zeit.

F. Schubert, lied