Brin is part of where I got the idea
but more a matter of ... phraseology and word choice :-)
And yes, English includes French as a subset. Likewise German -- I have German friends who insist that English is just badly-pronounced German.
I once listened to some Germans trying to invent a proper Deutsche phrase for "vignetting", meaning in this case the effect that shows up in wide-angle lenses, where the edge of the photo is less exposed than the center; caused by more glass in the light path, plus greater distance from the lens to film on the edges than the center. They hashed it over for several minutes. Finally I told them to adopt the English-language custom of linguistic imperialism -- if you need a word, and somebody else has it, expropriate the sucker!
And isn't it interesting that except for "bed", furniture -- sofa, divan, pillow, others -- is Arabic?