how your scenario echoes the Fundies and their current overt campaign to help along their fav lunatic-fantasy: rhymes with, Arrr.. I'ma (notta) gettin any..

These are precisely the strain of loony as gets a Hard on whenever 'events' head the clock at the Bulletin / Atomic Scientists nearer midnight. At "7 minutes til" currently --- I believe it is much too optimistic a setting, as we speak. (And it'll take another 2 months / next issue to see if any other readers agree with my suggestion, to move it >|Closer.)

Shrub has both the appropriate intellect and recent conditioning, to be a doin Gawd's Will\ufffd \ufffd Halliburton, to be implemented any old time via that cadaverous Bag Man, who hangs out just the other side of the door [do I need to translate?]

As to how and Why!? Oz folk [!!] would become a party to the penultimate insanity (the one: just as the Bagman opens up his valise) - not. a. clue.

Ditto freaked-out Tony B; embattled yes - yet while he's daily less popular with UK's vox populi, he actually has/once-had? a brain.

Would the Tin Man *and* the Scarecrow collaborate in mutual suicide pacts? And All That irreversible destruction: for a 'Jesus' so mangled in these fervid brain pans -

as to be unrecognizable
(to anyone who ever sorta liked much of the cat's shtik, before his more psych-damaged followers began rewriting it all to invent sinecures and gold robes).

You did see these parallels, yes?
