Fair point
You said "community", but then talked about how the "Sate" secures funding so I blurred the two concepts in my reading of what you said
If my neighbor beats his kids you had better be damn well sure I'm calling the cops or Social Services, or whatever else I need to do.
That's fair enough, if you have evidence that the kids are being beaten. If you have evidence or are an eyewitness to it happening.
Turn it around from the other degree. What if your kid is playing on the top of a bunk bed and falls and gets a bruise on his forehead and your neighbor thinks you've been beating your kids because of seeing the bruise and now Social Services comes to your door asking about child abuse, etc... Sure your innocent, and can probably succefully convince them of that, but it's not a comfortable position to be in.
By the way, that's about a hypothetical example; I've been in a very similar situation where my son was injured in an accident and I was invesitaged for neglect/abuse. The chilling part is the next time he fell (and passed out), I was afraid to seek the medical help he needed
"Going places unmapped
to do things unplanned
to people unsuspecting"