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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New We kill 40,000 \ufffd a year just in cars
It's claimed that 100K/yr more die via *misdiagnosis* via Med Corp mavens.
The US Civil War allegedly did a 9/11 EVERY WEEK. Who's talking about what real TRAGEDY might taste like? Pshaw. Perspective.. don't leave the fundraiser without it. Oh.. instant videoed death is worth more than All Other more gradual annual tolls?

You're too young to join My Gramma and start looking forward to each new issue of Human Events. You're already hyped for Universal flak-jackets, including kiddie-sized. I've seen that before (you were born). Same old.

So if what you want is to PARLAY that "muscle flex" at Hiroshima {Big Bad Don't-Fuck-with Uncle Sam} mindset the same-old same-old Way:

(Only this time, *all alone*) - as we emulate Israel with military solutions to the legions of new US-Haters this policy creates, via the dead relatives of each of the 'collaterally damaged' - -
If that's what you want, bunky -?- why strut along there, General Pandemonium and all the little tads, perky little Vengeance and the sullen Suicide-twins with-nothing-to-lose.

Gentlemen, Start Your Calculators!
Come see the Collossus of the World, 1014 Feet Tall - do battle with millions of Brobdignagians: All By Hisself. <<<

Strength Through Joy
Oceania VS {whomever}
Win This One for The Gipper

But on this course you find so attractive, for the eventual subornment of all Non-US Sin in the World into Our Style Sin - remember those nukes on order - and Why they were ordered and Who shall be deciding to unleash same. And for how long. And what the response to that use is apt to be. (Of course, we could just Be Safe - and nuke 'em all; after all, like Saddam: any One of Them __might__ someday Turn On Us. Who needs any more excuse than that?)

And notice.. as the doors close tighter on Fortress America, as orchestrated maudlin Fear starts curdling the milk and the arrests begin for opposing {almost any aspect}.
Then: we'll have another of these Firestorm Chats, OK?
Encrypted, of course, until the Fatherland Security patrol cracks the discussion.

Meanwhile: Eight More Months of this crap and daily 9/11 FLASH-injections -- now what, again, happened to the Inquiry ABOUT that 9/11, whose replay is to keep The Pot Boiling? Minor stuff, that - let's just Emote; screw the cerebral (like Adlai) -- obv you're becoming a Traditionalist in that regard, too

Yeh, I Hate these pre-holocaust faux-election periods! Too... too much reminder of how near the mouth of the cave, despite the transistorized Soma and electric guitars.

Peace. er War! I meant War, Mr. A.G. Honest.

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill
Ah.. even treacherous suicidal youth; lots of them? at The Great Mall??
New Okay, so now you know...
That I have just been trying to find a way to use my favorite new word/phrase "ass clown" as much as possible... It would even make a good Jabber title page...


Can we just agree to agree on one thing... Adlai Stevenson should have been elected, damn it. And as always, you are ever the optimist, moy droog...

And, ass clown that I am, I still feel that in a democracy, I still have the right to vote for the best man for the job (even if he's no longer with us)...

C'est la vie...
Just a few thoughts,

New In Wish-space: we vote together for Adlai - and rewrite the
sordid 20th Century!

I'll shoot-up to That..

(hey - opposing Bush ain't about appeasing deranged Fundies or pretending we can just walk away from Iraqmess du jour; it's about a better strategy than This Droid's - Mr. Ash Clown. Neither you nor I can know what Kerry might do with the power; we Know what Shrub did. And we both Know: You can't GET! Adlai-grade through Our System, Nohow - idgit ;-)
     Kerry Speak - (boxley) - (25)
         That expression comes from the fact that Steyn's a Canuck - (jake123)
         Letters are a bogus example. - (admin) - (2)
             Yep, blame it on some hapless underling. - (marlowe)
             Interns write too? ---B. Clinton-- -NT - (tablizer)
         That's a symptom of the appeasenik character. - (marlowe) - (20)
             Mr. Objective Morality is back out of his cups for a spell.. -NT - (Ashton)
             Why didn't you just state the obvious? - (danreck) - (18)
                 Don't do that. - (Another Scott) - (15)
                     You don't want me to vote... - (danreck) - (14)
                         I would vote for Bush in a heartbeat - (boxley) - (1)
                             I'll settle for having the most troubling parts... - (marlowe)
                         Adlai !?__ your man (and Box's) is Genghis Khan -NT - (Ashton) - (11)
                             Adlai... - (danreck) - (10)
                                 Having a bout of schizophrenia, are we? - (Ashton) - (9)
                                     Quadrophrenia, my dear boy... - (danreck) - (8)
                                         Get over Repo/Demo yourself - (Ashton) - (7)
                                             Au contraire, mon frere... - (danreck) - (6)
                                                 We kill 40,000 \ufffd a year just in cars - (Ashton) - (2)
                                                     Okay, so now you know... - (danreck) - (1)
                                                         In Wish-space: we vote together for Adlai - and rewrite the - (Ashton)
                                                 Re: Au contraire, mon frere... - (jb4) - (2)
                                                     yeah if Bush was pres in 1999 - (boxley) - (1)
                                                         Go back a few years before that. And, ... - (mmoffitt)
                 So what's yer point - (jb4) - (1)
                     My point is on top of your head - (danreck)

Eat your failures.
96 ms