for anyone who's plan derived from the idea that society is meant to conform to, almost exactly but not quite precisely.. whatever the Economic Model assigns as their duty.
So then - they all do it for *money* ??? Less money - less talent available. That's It?
(or.. could there be other, Corporate reasons kinda pre-vetting certain umm selectable ones, then.. after soft$ media 'campaigns' later.. these happen to float to the top? With some regularity?)
Nahhh. Couldn't be. Undemocratic that!
Every vote counts*. And obviously: anyone can become President.
This IS Murica, after all.
* eventually, sometimes with a little help from friends.
[Almost forgot: clearly our Ideal for that Model *would* come from the bizness ranks, and buy the model - lock stock & barrel. Yes, remarkable consistency throughout.]
Just checkin. Say, for a $10M guaranteed return, there's this little job I have for you.. (sorry, no details - what else do you need to know: the money's there.)
Ashton Election Constructions Ltd.
Pay Me, You Win and so do I
(Yes! now that you ask - we Do have NDAs;
Wouldn't run an election without one)