A slight misunderstanding
I'm not saying he got too much (in spite of the way it sounded, in retrospect). I'm saying that I don't know what his "buddies" got (should have been about a year, by my extrapolation).
I'm also saying that the concept of punishment fitting the crime is a sick joke plied upon the naive and innocent. This sot's 6 months could have just as easily been time served if he was politically connected, or 2-5 years if he was an Inuit paintballing a white guy. Or consider that assaulting an Inuit might get you 6 months, while selling that same Inuit some psychotropic white powder would get him 20 years w/o parole.
My remark was to the arbitrariness and capriciousness of our so-called "justice" system; that saying that 6 mos. for this guy was "jsut about right" is a meaningless statement, because there are no standards for comparison.
I was trying to be ironic. Sorry if I missed the mark.
(Resistance is not futile...)