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New Another old saw crumbles? Optimism doesn't help recovery.

A positive attitude does not improve the chances of surviving cancer and doctors who encourage patients to keep up hope may be burdening them, according to new research.

Optimism made no difference in the fate of most of the 179 cancer patients that researchers followed over five years in Australia.

Only eight people were still living by the time the study ended in 2001.

All the patients studied were suffering from a common form of lung cancer. Although the study was small and dealt with a kind of cancer that offers little chance for survival (about 12% of patients live beyond five years), health experts say it is the first scientifically valid look at optimism and cancer.


The study found that optimism dimmed when patients experienced the toxic effects of cancer treatment and when they learned more about the realities of the disease.

"We should question whether it is valuable to encourage optimism if it results in the patient concealing his or her distress in the misguided belief that this will afford survival benefits," the study's lead author, Penelope Schofield, wrote.

It might not be the best example of a disease to test the hypothesis, but it's good that the hypothesis is being looked at.

New But NATURAL optimism could prevent it from forming
New Bah, rather amuse myself by snarling and biting
and everywhere the great Curse of the New World, the American Child, in all its raucous, spoiled, undiciplined, selfish ghastliness, the female specimens keeping up an incessant high-pitched whine and the male infants racketing like cowpokes on payday. There's nothing wrong with grown Americans, by and large you wont find heartier men or bonnier women anywhere, but the only remedy I can see for the children is to run Herod for President.
Sir Harold Flashman esquire VC OBE

questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New Ah.. but..
if that is what makes you content, peaceful (afterwards?) then

New Yep, believe so.
Cancer is Such.. a metaphor for chaotic lives! and n+3 other matters..

(Why ... even for societies: we are the Unlimited Growth Society)
New Mayhap
Ah, but does pessimism impede recovery?
New Cruel!___er {cackle}
     Another old saw crumbles? Optimism doesn't help recovery. - (Another Scott) - (6)
         But NATURAL optimism could prevent it from forming -NT - (deSitter) - (3)
             Bah, rather amuse myself by snarling and biting -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                 Ah.. but.. - (Ashton)
             Yep, believe so. - (Ashton)
         Mayhap - (qstephens) - (1)
             Cruel!___er {cackle} -NT - (Ashton)

Will the real LRPD please stand up?
39 ms