Offended that is.
I did entertain the possibility that it was accidental, but apparently not.
Luckily for you *I* believe in explaining myself, instead of just parrotting.
I don't believe you know what religion and morals actually are or where they come from.
It's America. (At least here it is). You're free to be as ignorant as you want to be. I've certainly expounded enough in this thread that I believe there's plenty of evidence that your statement is a snide insult as you refuse to address the possibility that it's the converse that's the truth.
Growing in a racist society isn't what we'd consider gowing up in a moral society, now is it?
I'll remind you that *you* patronized *me* and told *me* what *I* grew up in, and around, and absorbed. The proper response would be "I'm sorry, I was wrong". Or something to that effect.
You were completely and utterly wrong then, and your attempt at defense is detrimental to you, and reinforced *my* theory who's actually done the thinking here.
That "racist" society was the one you told me that I *must have* absorbed *my morality* from. And that was largely propagated via churches, and "moral lessons". Remember, it was *your* postulation that my morals came *from* that upbringing in that environment.
Now, either stick to the subject (ie, refuting what I've said), or apologise. That's the "moral" thing to do here, and its less embarassing in the long run than continuing to try and defend an ignorant position.
Take yer basic 10 commandants and the two additional Christian ones, hard to argue with most of them, and you probably follow most yourself. But, they aren't religious morals for you, nope, you came to them all by yourself.
Additional two? Gee, I've not been to church in a while, when did they get added??? (Miss just one sermon.. ONE!!!)
Further, you can take it and cram it. You owe me an apology, not more insults.
Those "commandments" were largely in effect in the Aztec Empire. Who never heard of Jehovah. But then, that would require thought, not mere parroting of responses. Funny how you got bent out of shape about that, earlier. Perhaps too close to the mark.
I. I Am The Lord Thy God; Thou Shalt have no other gods Before Me.
Hrm. Doesn't seem to apply to me.
II. Thou Shalt Not Take The Name Of The Lord, Thy God, In Vain.
III. Remember The Sabbath Day, to Keep it Holy.
IV. Thou shalt honor thy Father And Thy Mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Have to ask about that, but this is something that I've come to on my own, yes, because of what I've learned growing up, not because someone told me I should.
V. Thou Shalt Not Kill.
Well, I'm in trouble, then. No kidding. (In other words, I've "Broken" that one)
Aside from that I "agree" with it because its a Career Limiting Move. I have nothing against killing people who need it. Peter and I have had some interesting discussions on this topic on II. Its highly subjective.
VI. Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery.
Depends what you call "Adultery". I don't have a problem with sex outside marriage, or divorce. I have a problem with someone in a relationship, (which isn't addressed here) - because again, of *my* experiences and what I've learned - and formulated on *my own*.
VII. Thou Shalt Not Steal.
Same reason I "follow" this as the others. But I'll note that almost all criminals claim Christianity when they're imprisoned as their religion. Nor does this stop various "charities" and "Christians" from collecting money for their own pockets.
VIII. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness Against Thy Neighbor.
My agreement with this has nothing to do with the bible.
IX Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's House.
X. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor's Wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbor's..
Seems interesting this topic keeps coming up. Must be that the religious have to be told time and time again.
And I don't have a problem coveting things. I just don't *take* them. I've certainly drooled over several women who were other men's wives. I've looked admiringly at the cattle next to mine. Helped round them up and put them back on an occasion.
Lets tabulate.
10 Commandments that you patronizely insist I believe in. 4 straight off are out. 8, 9, 10 I agree with, but hardly for the reasons that are listed, and in fact, they're rather dated and not appropriate - severe interpretation is required. Adultery - hugely contextual, and not really relevant in today's society, and far more complex today than the Commandment allows.
That leaves us with Honoring Parents, which I've come to on my own (ask them about my teenage years, and maybe even still today), and killing, which I oppose premeditated murder, but its hardly as clear as the commandments make it.
2 for 10. 20%. And that's giving the BEST interpretation to them, and taking my "Agreement" and mangling it severely to fit.
You've got better odds in Vegas.
Who's thought this out and who hasn't?
I left a challenge on the table last time, when I thought you might actually be thinking - I'll reexamine it, to see if I'm wrong, or you *are* just parrotting.
gtall:If you think religion is parrotting what someone else tell you, you have a very narrow, myopic view of what a religion actually is.
addison:I didn't say that that was a religion. I said *morality* via a religion was that. I'll stand by that. "Don't do this cause God says so".
If you would like to disagree, please, without parroting, explain *the* morality set by *any* major religion. (yes, its a trick question). *The* morality. Shouldn't be any wiggle room or questions involved.
Even though its a trick question it *is* answerable, in some ways. *I* certainly can make a devil's advocate (no pun intended) run at it.
But in reply to that - you parrotted at me that you were right, it had to be religion in my background. Despite the foregiven proof otherwise.
(edit to correct its to it's)