Built a cabin with hand tools == Nope
But did a house with no powered tools at all, the power company had to run power to the developement and they finally got there 2 months after the house was built. The guy, I(and three others) were helping out, was to cheap to buy a generator or compressor. Does this count?
Sawed wood with a double crosscut saw. == Yes see previous answer, fastest way to trim building studs in a bundle :)
Butchered an animal for food (fish count) == Yes, Black squirrel, Fish and Deer (but a badly done Cleaning of the fish though)
Have made their own snow shoes, bridle == Nope, sounds fun
Have made their own shoes, shirt, jacket == Nope, again sounds fun
Have started a fire with flint and iron (all scouts chime in) == Yes
Also started with a rock, turning bow, stick piece of thick bark and wood shavings
Fished with a net == Tried to, until the DNR came round.
Milked a cow(manually or auto) == Yes
Helped friends Dad when I was 6 thru 8 years old on a Dairy Farm
Churned butter by hand (blender doesnt count) == Yes, see previous answer, though handle crank churner.
Have read by a candle or kerosene == Yes to Both.
Split wood == Yes
See House building, we got to cut all the trees cleared into rounds and then split... no powered splitter either. Cheap Bastard he was. Al though he did have a Good Chainsaw.
Sailed a boat == Yes, but I am AWFUL... can't get the "hang" of it.
Roll over a kayak == Yeah... but nearly drowned, as I lost my paddles, and didn't know how to right it without them.
Ridden a horse == Yeah, sor(e|ry) arse to show for it.
Ridden a bull == Nope, not stupid.
Made their own beer wine and hard likker == Yes, No, No. Tasted Terrible, never did again.