If the above linked photo isn't playing the "all the men secretly like a tart" card, then I don't know what is.
Good lord. You're not just a prude, but a mysognistic one at that. "See, THAT's a whore, but THIS is tasteful."
Personally I see no difference between the pictures of Beyonce in her "if you peek you can see, can't you" jewellery blouse thing and Janet with her "boob with entertaining nipple ring" incident.
They're both doing what female artists have had to do since the dawn of the music industry - display the requisite amount of flesh for the drooling masses to drool over (sells records) and for the Moral Majority to fuss over (sells records).
It's just as well that we're not discussing the musical merits of Beyonce Knowles and Janet Jackson, actually; IMHO, neither one is much more than an above-average karaoke singer. Now, Sigrid from [link|http://www.qntal.de/flash/english/index.html|Qntal] is your actual artist.
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