I'm not really concerned about Googling drop-ins concluding, merely because we no longer bother to respond to M, that his positions are unassailable. As you indicate in another post, he comes here for a fight—more precisely, he comes here to shout, and something in him requires an echo, some manner of feedback, by way of validation. It doesn't seem to matter to him whether this takes the form of reasoned rebuttal or of vitriolic abuse, so long as
someone talks back to him. When his blood is up (there's a curious rise and fall of the messianic tone in his postings, on the origins of which I have speculated here times past) he seems to find lack of feedback unendurable, which was why I was a frequent booster of the "feed not the bot" movement: a contemptuous silence tended to make him gibber, greatly enhancing the comic tone of his contributions.
Anyone who has been at this for a while will understand that it's useless to reason with M. If deSitter finds some relief in venting at him, that's all for the good, as long as it's understood that M's feelings aren't hurt thereby (remember the old jest about the sadist declining to inflict pain on the masochist?).
I think that the ideal way of handling Marlowe has already suggested itself in the person of...Nightowl! The prolific one wonders
what would happen if we just tried to talk to him? I don't mean debate him, or argue, or defeat his points. I mean just talk to him? I've been considering asking him for example, if he had a nice holiday.
Nightie, this is brilliant! I don't say it won't require persistence, but it is eminently worth the attempt, and there is no one on the roster temperamentally better-equipped to undertake the project than you. Here's his home page: [link|http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/marlowe/index.html|http://www.angelfire...arlowe/index.html] There are various means listed thereupon for contacting him. Try one of them. Try all of them. Establish a human bond. Don't be discouraged if he ignores you or blows you off at first: redouble your efforts! You're bound to break through eventually. Spend just half the time and energy you spend on IWT each day on this project to humanize Marlowe and you will have the unfeigned gratitude of what Norman has dubbed the IWT "group mind" and all who sail in her.
[edit: typo]
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.