I wanted to see it, but spent my time studying for a final exam. Plus my son twisted his ankle/foot at school and we were taking care of him.

Usually I have a Superbowl party at my house or my brother-in-law's house as he lets me use his big screen TV and I don't have one. Not this year, didn't have the time or money to do so.

Drudge has more info on it, warning it is not work safe!:

Animated Janet:

Closeup of the area of interest:

It appears to have a metal sun ring over it.

I have no idea who the guy is that ripped off her breast cover is. Never saw him before.

Edit: Animated Janet is now offline. It may have been too offensive.
Druge report is at:
I still don't know who Justin Timberlake is. I don't keep up with modern music.