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New He picked that line up from . . .
. . the InfoWorld Wonder Twins. They spouted this theory in some of their security columns.

And don't knock Billy's talent for telling lies and absurdities with a straight face. That's the talent that made him rich.
New Re: He picked that line up from . . .
Ah yes, the Ambiguously Gay Duo! What were their names, Scantron and Dingle?
     Sir Willy talking security - (tuberculosis) - (5)
         Well, he can say it with a straight face because - (jake123)
         He picked that line up from . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             Re: He picked that line up from . . . - (deSitter)
         I'm gonna go all Godwin on this one - (drewk)
         Re: For Bill to tell a lie, he has to ... - (dmarker)

Allow me to retort!
100 ms