And as long as they have cash to pay . .
. . I'm perfectly happy to give them what they want. I tried for years to save my clients money and found it wasn't a sound business strategy. If I don't give them what they want, and charge for it, they'll find someone who will.
Of course, as I fix their stuff, I prattle on about how much greener the grass is on the other side but that works like water off a duck's back. Even a BSA audit or total distruction of their data by a worm isn't likely to be enough.
They ask me "Why aren't other people having these problems?" and I reply that everyone else is - but they don't want to look like fools so they don't talk about it. They just say, "Oh", and then ask why Microsoft doesn't fix it. I just ask them "are you going to buy something else if they don't?". End of conversation.
Never underestimate the power of "doing what everyone else is doing".