The difference being..the guy in your work pod doesn't have:
1. A government telling him which faith to follow.
Allow me to add a big YET there.
Whatever the answer, it is clear that the conservative Christian morality of President Bush is finding its way into legislation that promotes abstinence.
The Bush administration gave $120m to abstinence organisations last year.
The 2004 Women's Health Daybook, distributed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, fails to address pregnancy prevention, say leaders of more than 30 state and national organizations engaged in promoting women's health.
"The overall concern is that the top managers of the park service are implementing a conservative agenda that is at odds with their duties as custodians of the nation's heritage," said Jeff Ruch, director of Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, a nonprofit group of federal and state resource workers.
The criticism began just weeks after "Grand Canyon: A Different View" went on sale at the park's bookstores in August, said park spokeswoman Dawn O'Sickey.
"This is a book that by its cover it shouts out, 'This is a biblical interpretation of how the Grand Canyon came to be in only thousands of years,'" Ruch said. "This is a decision to approve, in essence, a religious book."
Looks like this government is well on its way to telling the people which faith to follow.