There are really no alternatives
Solar and wind power are pipe dreams, limited by chance and any foreseeable technology, as well as physical limitations on amount of power available. The best possibility, beaming microwaves down from synchronous orbits, is too far in the future to be of any use for the next century. But, by one of those fortunate "accidents", we have an effectively unlimited energy source that we are too chicken to use. And this does not concern you? Here is a direct solution to two of our most fundamental problems - environmental damage from fossil fuels and ensuring sustainable energy production - that only require the will to implement them, and we are too afraid of boogey men to do it. This is cause for optimism?
Whoever is managing the reactors right now, is doing a fair job. France gets 3/4s of its electricity from reactors and has never had a significant problem.
No, I don't trust "bizness" to handle this. Energy is a societal concern as much as sewage is, and should be treated that way.