It's not about, the "will of a culture" (fucked or not) - it's about the WORDING of these "ballot inititives" and - particularly re the arcane physics inescapably involved: this is NOT a topic for a mass-spinning Popularity Contest, stage-managed by the greed merchants we create so effectively. (It may be our only manufactured 'Product' in '04, from what I can see: spin; we do it to the exclusion of thinking.)

ie Yes: this is a decision for panels of real, credentialled Experts: not one of whom shall (should) be allowed to 'bet money'/invest-in: the results of deliberations. Perpetually. If we had a mgm. of Sanity left, that is.

'Next-Quarter" has *NO* place in such a contemplation IMhO. Yet in Murica: we know Nothong Else, from Neconman in DC to the guy who pours his used motor oil into the storm drain: STILL...

Are we ready for self-government yet?