Post #137,102
1/22/04 11:45:22 AM
1/22/04 11:48:15 AM

Remember the Maine?
and I won't touch Vietnam or Korea. (Lots of lies in both)
Post #137,106
1/22/04 11:56:25 AM

A few Nits. (Aside to Box)
First, everyone knows "The first casualty of war is the truth."
Second, the Maine was more about Hearst than the President. [link||See here for example]
Third, in Viet Nam and Korea, whatever position you hold, we were *not* the first to attack.
This notion of "pre-emptive" war is strictly a Neocon construction.
Aside: Hey box, who fired the first shot?
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #137,140
1/22/04 2:00:40 PM

Alexander Hamilton
same old crap, con artists ripping off fools. Ah, hell, Catholic Church it start off that way. They All do. Jesus probably had three walnut shells one pea, then he's dead and can't be questioned, Gabriel Dupre
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #137,231
1/22/04 10:13:10 PM

still waiting
if you are thinking the fort sumpter incident that was state property illegally occupied by federal troops disobeying pussy communist rules. thanx, bill
same old crap, con artists ripping off fools. Ah, hell, Catholic Church it start off that way. They All do. Jesus probably had three walnut shells one pea, then he's dead and can't be questioned, Gabriel Dupre
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #137,294
1/23/04 9:25:26 AM

Imminent domain dude ;-)
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #137,299
1/23/04 9:37:06 AM

any minute domain? or did you mean eminent?
Post #137,311
1/23/04 10:08:42 AM

I leave it, sheesh. What a dumb-ass, sheesh.
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #137,318
1/23/04 10:25:19 AM

Eminem domain
Select [link||here].
Post #137,323
1/23/04 10:39:44 AM

minimum dolman (who really started hostilities)
[link||http://www.tulane.ed...kgroundForts.html] With public sentiment pressing for action, South Carolina sent commissioners to Washington to negotiate the transfer of the forts to the state, and requested immediate control of Fort Sumter. Like Slemmer, Anderson considered his situation increasingly precarious, indeed untenable if South Carolina occupied Sumter. After nightfall, on the evening of December 26, Anderson moved his small force from Moultrie to the more defensible Sumter. Despite South Carolina's insistence that Anderson's action was a hostile act and must be repudiated, President Buchanan refused to order Anderson to return. South Carolina then proceeded to occupy federal property in Charleston, including the military posts surrounding Sumter. By January 1, only Sumter remained a Union outpost in the midst of secessionist South Carolina. so negotiations were refused and hostile acts taken by the Union. Sounds rather clear cut, the North Started this shit. thanx, bill
same old crap, con artists ripping off fools. Ah, hell, Catholic Church it start off that way. They All do. Jesus probably had three walnut shells one pea, then he's dead and can't be questioned, Gabriel Dupre
questions, help? [link||email pappas at]
Post #137,164
1/22/04 2:39:44 PM

How 'bout Vera Cruz?
Post #137,165
1/22/04 2:40:26 PM

"See no evil" before Pearl?
Post #137,186
1/22/04 4:42:47 PM

Again - Not Pre-Emptive War.
If the conspiracy theorists are right about FDR sacrificing Pearl Harbor to be able to "get into WW II", then you've made my argument for me. For, it was so vile a notion that the US would enter a war when it had not been attacked that it couldn't be done until we were attacked.
Am I not making this clear? The point is that Dubya went to war with Iraq on the basis that we were "under imminent threat" - NOT that we had been attacked. That makes his lies worse because it is the first time that a sitting president has lied to get us into a pre-emptive war without the thinnest veiled argument that we had been attacked first.
We attacked first (and now it should be clear to all) without provocation.
bcnu, Mikem
I don't do third world languages. So no, I don't do Java.
Post #137,273
1/23/04 5:38:23 AM

Such a simple, clear notion
So hard.. to get a 0-RPM reply.
Yep: the Neocons were headed there, No Matter What; lied in their teeth about the certainty of attack by Iraq on the US (!) any old coming weekend.. Unless We Act Now!\ufffd.
Steadfastly ignored the (now apparent) success of the slow-old UN inspections, in keeping this monster toothless - and still today! maintain the same utter BS (as in the SOTU pabulum as recently as Tues.)
And still: that's debatable !?
Suuure it is: because this be the land of the tiny-brain folks, where F=MA is debatable, even after the train hits your SUV.
Post #137,275
1/23/04 5:53:14 AM

Re: Again - Not Pre-Emptive War.
To show you how twisted American society had become even in 1940, I recently saw a short film in which Miguel de Notredame is invoked quatrain by quatrain to show how the German-Jap oppression was forseen, and the American response required.
I sumbit that our current problems are the logical outcome of the radical reconstruction of 1861, when the real Country was sacrificed on the altar of an imagined Nobility of Spirit on both sides - and that the problems will worsen until the Spirit of '76 is found again - meaning, an actually involved citizenry with a vested interest in preserving Liberty - but of course that will never happen, and we are streaking toward an increasingly authoritarian future. The torch has been extinguised little by little by each succeeding generation, and now barely flickers only in a loosely united Europe. One can forsee a climatic war with them, and throw in a strong and opportunistic China in the east. The Irish don't like us any more, and that tells the entire story.
Post #137,284
1/23/04 7:45:54 AM

You keep saying the Irish don't like us any more
Where did this come from? When did they particularly like us in the first place? Does this mean that the IRA won't be raising funds in the US any more?
Color me confused...
Post #137,285
1/23/04 8:03:48 AM

Re: You keep saying the Irish don't like us any more
Ireland has benefitted enormously from the EU, and in only 25 or so years has gone from being traditionally poor to having a thriving economy. Thus the modern Irish are more in line with France and Germany than they are with the US. Bush hatred is virulent in Ireland, who mock him mercilessly (you know how they are :).
[link||http://www.cbsnews.c.../main595275.shtml] [link||http://www.geocities...ndvus911/main.htm]
Although I don't have any information, I would not be surprised if the Irish were ticked at us for not backing their desire for union with Northwest Britain.