- the true emancipator, because whatever one's personal view of exchanging precious bodily fluids - THAT was the palpable (burpable) Damocles over every pleasurable event. Population pressures decree that: desire for children shall be ameliorated, perhaps replaced with eXtreme Segway Sports. 'Til there are fewer huddled masses, but about the same number of bundled pairs.
And that genie ain't Never goin back into the bottle, whatever the morphing conception of 'family' becomes (many now find they prefer to select their own family; screw the accident of birth and weird Uncle Porky and his brood). 'Course the Mormons and a few are obsessed with genealogy; such shall always be with us.
Millenium: when everyone finally acknowledges that, we are *all* Mongrels.
Atilla the Hunk