re the (more than just normal Machiavellian daily effects) of making Capitalism ones's raison d'etre. My intuition of that predicament isn't much different from what you have suggested.

Methinks though, that you are forgetting a (once demonstrated) deeper understanding of the pop-fantasy we (and, even many 'scientists') love to call Causality. Just like the String Boys do.

Assigning the current morass within the minds of those Ever Searching for --> MORE {material crap to 'own'} -- and the me-me-me whining, whilst grovelling for that-same-More, no matter what -- assigning that to 'feminism' as root cause? Red Herring #n. Surely, when well(-er) you can do better than that, despite your admitted relative-disconnect re 'social skills'.

But where we appear to ~agree: Murican culture reflects the hollowness of its Aims, the shallowness of its thinking about the repeatedly demonstrated consequences of crass materialism. (All abetted by the omnipresent Noise on all channels and elevators, natch)

This root-cause (IMO) is now into crisis mode, as this National solipsism alienates ex-friend and foe alike, via the machinations of a certifiably-loony band of (yes - Narcissists ;-) who are directing the vacuous puppet they -but especially Rove- groomed precisely for the task.

Want a single-point-of failure to affix personal blame? nee 'causality'?
I nominate one Karl Rove, the Svengali who successfully kept the brain-dead Shrub pretending to be Governor (of a state which -fortunately- gives little power to its Executive.) Without Rove, the PNAC would still be stewing in its visceral juices, subverting.. subverting.. pining and masturbating (for such folk: that's Thinking Political Coups Yet-to-come).

Never mind 'feminists' for now: these Troglodytes have no slightest acquaintance with theirs (or anyone's) emotional center. They are marlowes, but with very much more manipulative skill, and well-honed scripted dissemination of daily blab-words (though their rhetoric betrays their inhumanity, their abject unacquaintance with Heart). Words of feeling ever stick hollowly in their craws; are seen to be caricatures of "heart-felt". Dead eyes.

This last incompetence - even to Fake That: I expect to be the final undoing of this sordid chapter in Murican profligacy. Expect is too strong; no one has ever fully plumbed the depths of Murican group-naivete; so call it - Hope.

(Then we can return to.. The Proper Roles for Men and Women in a culture cleansed of resistant-strains of toxic Puritanism: in another decade, mayhap?)

Ashton anti-Causality,
in most non-physics, non-material masques of speech