A question for you...
Do you think it is a gross perversion of the Government to have created cyclic welfare? Many of the "rules" were definately anti marriage and anti nuclear marriage.
After much thought, I think that many of our (people born post '50s where television ownership became ubiquitous) notions of what a family is supposed to be came from Hollywood. I can definately say that I would rather my 4 year old son watched the Andy Griffith Show (picked specifically because Andy was a widower) than Will and Grace. Some say Hollywood "reflects" society, but I think it does a little more.
There is no doubt in my ex-military mind that the women's movement had many consequences that may or may not have been planned. Such as: the best and the brightest women in the country no longer automatically went into teaching and nursing, two professions that sadly miss them. In essence, the labor pool increased by almost half, and drove wages down. This created the phenomena of two wage earners to make the equivalent of one. It also created a societal attitude that sort of demeaned women who chose to stay home and raise the kids. This is just off the top of my head...
Counter to what has been said, Congress enacted an end to the "marriage penalty" in their tax reform, it just doesn't kick in until 2006, unless we elect a Democrat as president. It seems that they are all tripping over themselves to repeal the tax cuts. Greedy dumb bastards...
Just a few thoughts,