Not really sure of all of it
My grandfather (mother's father) was a Twining, related to the Twinings who run the British Tea Company that originated YEARS ago.
My grandmother (mother's mother) was... well, no one really knows. We suspect she was born in the east somewhere, maybe Virginia, then she was kidnapped from her parents, (this much we tracked), and left in an orphanage or something which later burned down. Then she was taken and raised by gypsies. I know, it's weird, but it's true.
My mother was born and raised in Chicago, my dad was born and raised in Kentucky. His parents died years before I came along. My parents met in Chicago while he was in the service, then married after and moved to St. Louis.
We haven't figured out where his surname originated, but I guess that makes me part British, part... gypsy? and part.. Kentuckian?
Nightowl >8#

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Dec. 31, 2003, 11:47:21 AM EST