Scorpie's Neuro Clone Chip
Of course I remember it. At first I thought that John was having a Schitzophrenic episode, until we found out about the chip implanted in his head. Farscape had it first.
Many of my Traveller characters were a lot like John Crichton, wise-cracking, forced into the warrior role, having to think of a stratgegic plan. Always had nicknames for the other players. Oh it was fun. Of course my characters were like that before Farscape aired, long before it aired. One of the other players was more like Dargo, and we had a Dargo-Crichton relationship going in the game. He would get us into trouble and I had to think of a way out of trouble. :) Great minds think alike and all that. I found a lot of Traveller ideas in Farscape, so I fell in love with the series. I said "Been there, done that" a lot of times while watching it. :)
If only I had the writing skill to write books based on our Traveller adventures. I could make some serious money.
[link|http://www.farfuture.net/|http://www.farfuture.net/] and [link|http://www.downport.com/|http://www.downport.com/] for those interested in more info on Traveller. We basically made most of the stuff up as we played the game.
BTW Classic Traveller came out one year before Battlestar Galactica did. 1977 :)
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"

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Dec. 11, 2003, 10:41:33 AM EST