is to start up your own company and keep a majority of stock in it so they can't get rid of you.
Average job now lasts between 3 and 5 years. Most time I had for a job was 4 and a half years at the law firm. If I made it 6 more moths, I would have gotten a pension and an extra week of vacation. They did not want this to happen, so they made up what they could about me to get rid of me. Lawyers really know how to hide evidence (like Doctor's notes) and fabricate files and reports to create a bad review. I had evidence on the unethical and wrong things that managers and partners did in my file cabinate and I complained about them to the higher ups. When I was led out of the building, I was not allowed to collect any of my personal stuff. They sent it to my old address and I had to hunt it down. I am sure that they destroyed the files I had on managers and partners, I should have kept those at home so I could sue them. Most firms know how to take care of whistleblowers, and 99.1% of the time they make up stuff about them and fire them to get rid of them. They also reward co-workers so they don't become eyewitnesses to the whistleblower. People that used to agree with you are now promoted or got a big raise, and somehow they don't remember those things anymore that they told you.
The way businesses are run needs a major overhaul, indeed!