Post #128,942
12/4/03 1:50:09 PM

Your turn next, Ross!
jb4 "There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President." John Kerry
Post #128,954
12/4/03 2:01:55 PM

Ain't happenin' bro
I'm going down in flames, I can already sense it, and I've never been wrong about it.
Post #128,996
12/4/03 5:01:48 PM

We'll see...
...but I ain't holdin' my breath...
jb4 "There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President." John Kerry
Post #128,998
12/4/03 5:20:05 PM

Re: We'll see...
My greatest fear has always been the street, and unlike Box, it will probably kill me because I am no good at "skullduggery" - meaning, I have poor survival skills. I have a strange tendency to be confronted with the things I most fear, and I sense it happening again (have for years, wake up in a cold sweat faced with pennilessness, starvation, and the very worst things - cold and filth). Once down in that world, you are doomed in this country, because there will be no return - it is a black hole, a one-way membrane out of productive life, into American hell, where one is not regarded as human, much less employable. The thing I most fear is being unable to shower and lie down and get warm. Hunger and thirst are a very distant second.
Post #129,085
12/5/03 11:24:46 AM

Ross, take a look...
Isn't [link||this] right up your alley (Specifically referring to the 2nd to last paragraph.)? Dubuque isn't too far away....
jb4 "There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President." John Kerry
Post #129,092
12/5/03 12:01:59 PM

Nope - it's hopeless
I have no "marketable skills."
Post #129,098
12/5/03 12:12:02 PM

You're getting worse than Norm ever was.
Get off your fat ass and fucking APPLY, damnit! Would it hurt you to actually make an effort?
I have a red sign on my door. It says "If this sign is blue, you're going too fast."
Post #129,105
12/5/03 12:25:20 PM

Re: You're getting worse than Norm ever was.
I am nothing like Norm. I have no cushy family to fall on, no ability to whine to the government about my poor little disabled psyche, and no ability to lie to myself about "mental illness". What I do have is a sharp grip on reality - I have not even had a phone call, and only 5 emails, about work since August, much less an interview. There is no work for me. I knew this was coming so I'm trying to be cold-blooded about it. I am too old - Cap'n Dunsel. A part that is not required any more.
I send out at least 20 resumes a week - into space. I got an email about desktop support on Friday, sent out reponse Saturday - no response. I send direct unsolicited emails - no response. There is NOTHING for me to do.
Post #129,107
12/5/03 12:34:19 PM
12/5/03 12:35:35 PM

Check this one out, Ross.
SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR ? SPECIALIST, (100%FTE) # 4739 Starting Salary $ 39,666 - $ 49,587 Application deadline 12/05/03
DEPT: ITS/ Instructional Computing
DUTIES: Install, maintain, upgrade and troubleshoot Windows 2000 domain and servers for labs and classrooms, software applications running in IC domain labs and classrooms on desktop systems, and Windows 2000 and Macintosh operating systems installed on desktop computers; maintain software license database and usage tracking software; and negotiate with application vendors and evaluate/purchase applications as required.
QUALIFICATIONS: Bachelor?s degree in MIS, Computer Science or equivalent combination of education and experience; at least two years of direct experience supporting Windows 2000 environments. MCP, MCSE certification and Macintosh experience desired. *******************************
I don't know if you fit it, but thought I'd post it here. NOTE: APPLICATION DEADLINE TODAY, so APPLY ONLINE NOW if you are interested.
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}

Edited by Nightowl
Dec. 5, 2003, 12:35:35 PM EST
Post #129,110
12/5/03 12:39:01 PM

Don't insult me by trying to "help", OK?
Make me want to throw up. Stay the hell out of it.
Post #129,132
12/5/03 1:36:16 PM

Leave him alone
When he is in one of those moods, one needs much thicker skin than yours (I am not trying to insult you by saying that you are thin-skinned, nothing wrong with that). I know that he got my goat once, and I am a much more lumbering creature.
The rich, as usual, are employing the elected. -- [link||]
Post #129,134
12/5/03 1:39:39 PM

Don't worry, I intend to.
I'll just keep him in my prayers, like he has been, and everyone else here who needs a job.
Thanks Arkadiy, for your support.
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #129,135
12/5/03 1:39:57 PM

Thank You! - a sane voice
Post #129,108
12/5/03 12:35:09 PM

And you still worry about aour psychological compatibility?
You should be way past that.
The rich, as usual, are employing the elected. -- [link||]
Post #129,217
12/6/03 12:14:50 AM

That's what I was giving him hell for.
Part of the appeal of IWETHEY is that if you disagree with somebody here, (with the exception of the Philbot IMO) that's okay - we don't all have to agree.
Arkaidy is offering you a potential in. You NEED a job. Don't let pride kill you.
I have a red sign on my door. It says "If this sign is blue, you're going too fast."
Post #129,244
12/6/03 8:38:51 AM

Re: That's what I was giving him hell for.
I like Arkaidy too much to screw that up, but I'll send a resume in any case - thanks.
Post #129,251
12/6/03 10:06:23 AM

Do it! And good luck!
Post #129,583
12/8/03 8:41:35 AM

"There's nothing more nervous than a million dollars. It does not speak French, it does not speak English, it does not speak German and it moves very fast."
-- Jean Chretien
Post #129,111
12/5/03 12:40:14 PM

Yes you are nothing like me
you gave up, all I did was get some time off while I try to get my marbles back together. I am taking that time off to try and earn a college degree because I plan on going back to work someday. Business management is a fast growing field, the Classical Manager is going away being replaced with the Modern Manager who practices enpowerment and teamwork.
I got disability due to the many illnesses I have, not just the mental ones. It does not pay that much, but enough to exist on if I keep things minimal and live off my wife's paycheck.
There are many social programs that can help you out, I once citied the United Way and a bunch of phone numbers for you to call. I guess you never called them? So I shouldn't even bother to look them up for you again.
You need to network as well as look for a job. Find people that can help you look. As I suggested in another post on this thread, attend free computer seminars for Microsoft and the local Linux Users Group and pass out business cards. This can work for anyone, find local events that are free and attend them and network with the people there. Eventually someone will call you about a job they heard of that you might be good at, or at least a consulting gig.
Never give up, never surrender. If you do, you end up homeless. We don't want that to happen.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #129,113
12/5/03 12:44:24 PM

When did I "give up", jackass?
The tax money I made when I WAS working is carrying your sorry ass right now - so STFU and stay out of it and collect your whine ration.
Post #129,115
12/5/03 12:49:11 PM

Good to hear it then
if you haven't given up then you will apply for that job and forget about not having "marketable skills"?
The disability I am getting is based on the SS tax that I paid while I was working. I am only getting back what I put into it. My tax supported some other people, and now I am getting the support back. If you don't like the way the country does social security, then either vote people into power that can change it, or move to another country. You don't know my medical situation, only my doctors do.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #129,119
12/5/03 12:59:41 PM

Take a break. Go play your piano. (new thread)
Created as new thread #129118 titled [link|/forums/render/content/show?contentid=129118|Take a break. Go play your piano.]
Post #129,129
12/5/03 1:30:43 PM
12/5/03 1:32:57 PM

I know the feeling.
I do.
I am still coming to terms with my inability to land a salaried position, myself. Trying to figure out what I can do by myself, for myself to give me some security.
I've had many sleepless days wondering where I'm going to get the next influx of cash to keep myself going - my blue-collar job doesn't pay my bills. It barely pays for rent and food. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel either. If I get any responses at all, they tell me that I'm overqualified (BS) and will bolt as soon as I can (that's not me). My old 'network' of contacts here for freelance work has completely dried up, too.
My .sig is all that keeps me going, sometimes. It really is my philosophy on life.
Both of us need a plan - you'd think at least ONE of us would be able to come up with something.
Out of boredom, sometimes, I play with the idea of on-line businesses; mock up simple pages and run them past (non-techie) friends, to see if they'd be interested in the product (my last two were a [link||'Spamtracker'] and selling a [link||neat little piece of hardware] my roomate threw together for his own use... Pipe-dreams, I know, but maybe I'll work out something that way. Every once in a while I start playing with Java again, but I can't seem to get up enough enthusiasm to keep going - what I need is a project, but I just seem to keep spinning my wheels, trying to come up with something that either might earn me some money, or hold my attention long enough that I might become adept with the language.
Despair is an enemy, believe me. It drains your energy and motivation.
I just wish I had a better answer to it than what I lay out above...
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.

Edited by imric
Dec. 5, 2003, 01:32:57 PM EST
Post #129,137
12/5/03 1:42:52 PM

sucks being "human garbage", no?
That is what our great country does to us - turns us into garbage, unsuitable even for such basics as having quarter-sized holes in the skin repaired.
What did we do, specifically, to become garbage?
I think we are just first, the front ranks. One day all Americans will be garbage.
Post #129,149
12/5/03 2:03:18 PM

What did we do, specifically, to become garbage? Sometimes I think it's because we were brought up to believe in 'careers', 'hard work', and 'loyalty'. Business turned it's back on those concepts, I think. I think they will end up paying for that, too, in the long run. Once there is no more purchasing power here, when the US has been drained of vitality, the market itself will not be able to support the business that's been feeding on it. Now we need investment, not profit-taking, but it's too late (I think that's why Bush would like you to invest your own SS money; to inject cash into the economy and give the economy the same false flush that Reagan gave it when he loosened credit). I think we are just first, the front ranks. One day all Americans will be garbage. It's getting there now. Even at the blue-collar level. When I took my job at Macy's, I was given a $1.50 'differential' in pay to compensate me for working the graveyard shift; new employees coming on (turnover is terrific there; the job sucks, and if you make one misstep, *bang* You're fired!) don't get that anymore -because people are desperate for anything, and they no longer need the inducement to work (that shift). My roomate just took a new job at 1/2 the rate he got at his old position - the one he left a year ago - and he's damned grateful for it. It's amazing how little comfort there is in knowing that it's bad all over. Bleah. Enough rambling - I'm depressing myself.
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #129,153
12/5/03 2:09:20 PM

I agree there
Sometimes I think it's because we were brought up to believe in 'careers', 'hard work', and 'loyalty'. Business turned it's back on those concepts, I think. I think they will end up paying for that, too, in the long run. I have to agree on that one. My generation was raised to believe in loyalty to the company, and that that same loyalty plus hard work got you places. I tried to uphold that belief when I was employed, and found it turned around and shot me in the back. So now, next year when I resume my job search, I'm trying to find a balance between the loyalty and hard work concept and the basic "being employed" concept. I hear you though, hang in there, hopefully it will improve somehow. Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #129,166
12/5/03 3:26:17 PM

Only way to keep a company loyal
is to start up your own company and keep a majority of stock in it so they can't get rid of you.
Average job now lasts between 3 and 5 years. Most time I had for a job was 4 and a half years at the law firm. If I made it 6 more moths, I would have gotten a pension and an extra week of vacation. They did not want this to happen, so they made up what they could about me to get rid of me. Lawyers really know how to hide evidence (like Doctor's notes) and fabricate files and reports to create a bad review. I had evidence on the unethical and wrong things that managers and partners did in my file cabinate and I complained about them to the higher ups. When I was led out of the building, I was not allowed to collect any of my personal stuff. They sent it to my old address and I had to hunt it down. I am sure that they destroyed the files I had on managers and partners, I should have kept those at home so I could sue them. Most firms know how to take care of whistleblowers, and 99.1% of the time they make up stuff about them and fire them to get rid of them. They also reward co-workers so they don't become eyewitnesses to the whistleblower. People that used to agree with you are now promoted or got a big raise, and somehow they don't remember those things anymore that they told you.
The way businesses are run needs a major overhaul, indeed!
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #129,178
12/5/03 5:56:39 PM

Yep, Paperwork is a big deal
When I filed my grievance against UMSL, I had all the paperwork safely AT HOME. I also had another complete copy of it with a very good and trusted friend in a sealed envelope on the campus. Always keep your paperwork at home, even if you have copies of it at work, keep copies AT HOME.
I would have completey lost my grievance case, AND my job, most likely at the hearing, had I not been THAT prepared. Instead I kept my job until they drove me out another way.
And what was wild was, they tried to claim I had typed the Grievance up on company time, on THEIR computers. However, they lost that claim because experts determined it was done on an Apple IIE, and they did not HAVE any in their office, or their building.
(Shaking head) It's a shame, but nowadays, to be safe in the work place, you have to document, document, document, and that only guarantees you partial safety.
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."
Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
Post #129,164
12/5/03 3:19:37 PM

I blame Classic Management
managing by the stick rather than the carrot. Ignoring all the management ideas and theories since the industrial revolution, the Classical Manager is screwing things up for everyone. They don't like to empower or even listen to their employees, they treat them like garbage and work them in groups and not teams. Their lack of leadership has caused many companies to downsize, but not managers, just the people under them. The same managers keep making the same mistakes over and over and not learning from them. So to fix this and cut costs, they started a new trend of outsourcing. But this isn't working too well, their lack of leadership has caused poor quality service and products coming from these other countries.
When you eliminate the people, the building, the other things, and only the manager remains and you still have the same problems, 99% of the time it will be the manager that is at fault. Moving jobs overseas won't solve that problem, it can only make it worse.
A serious problem is not sharing the companies goals with the employees. Not giving them a purpose for working and meeting those goals. Also not rewarding them when they do a good job or work overtime to meet deadlines is another serious issue.
This is why things are so screwed up in business. Well part of the reason why.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #129,249
12/6/03 10:04:29 AM

Ross and Skip
Believe it or not, the thing that really got me get out of the "Year without Work" Blacks (worse than Blues):
A goto place. A placewhere I went nearly everyday. A place similar to work, but a place where you are at least around other people, around perhaps other IT folk. Perhaps a place where you'd like to spend time hanging, something that pertains to a favored hobby. You can ask if you can hang around or something...
If you can get your own puter hooked up there... all the better.
I really really suggest this.
-- [link||greg], [link||REMEMBER ED CURRY!] @ iwethey
That's what Brian Boitano'd do!
Post #129,260
12/6/03 10:31:09 AM

Re: Ross and Skip
This is a good idea - I don't do taverns any more so I've become reclusive. Might look up a coffee shop..
However, you should not minimize the problem. YOU have marketable skills. I don't. I've done too many things to be really GREAT at one or two of them (other than the ones that aren't needed like C and APL). (That's the nature of contracting, but it's a catch-22..) I feel that both Skip and I could be productive in any number of ways, but that's not what hiring people care about, and we have the disadvantage of being old and large, which doesn't give people much of a happy-happy. Today, you have to give people a happy-happy or they freak out.
Post #129,285
12/6/03 11:40:16 AM

Have you checked Monster recently?
[link||Here] is the first thing I found searching for "C" in St. Louis: Requirements: This position requires a strong UNIX background with 3 - 5 years experience troubleshooting complex hardware, OS, network and application problems in an Operations environment. An advanced level of knowledge in applications for Sun Hardware, Solaris, TCP/IP and ISP is a must. Knowledge of Cisco routers, Foundry switches, and Shell Scripts are a plus. The ability to partner with peers, Technical Development, Project Management and vendors to manage the ISP complex, develop technical solutions, and restore services are a requirement of this position. Candidates must have strong written and verbal communication skills as well as the ability to manage problems through to resolution. Candidates must also work well as a member of a larger team. Shift work is required. Ref ID:\t303121-2196-12-88332. It's Volt Services Corp. $30 - $45/hr for a 365+ day contract position. There were 92 other listings there that you may have seen, but maybe not. Keep looking. Good luck! Cheers, Scott.
Post #129,336
12/6/03 8:24:16 PM

I *live* on Monster
..but that one was not in my agent filter - thanks for pointing it out. I think I even know where it is.
Post #129,440
12/7/03 3:39:42 PM

An avenue
I haven't entirely neglected - though my finances contribute to my relative hermitude.
At the 'local' (my friend and his wife take me out for 1 or 2 on Fridays) I am known for computer knowledge (a possibly overblown rep, but I like having my ego stroked; I don't disabuse anyone of the level of knowledge they credit me with).
I help people with computer advice (usually Windows, but I've actually gotten a coulple of Linux questions I've surprised myself by being able to answer) there, looked at a couple of laptops, etc. I've helped a few people at work - even alerted the main Federated (they own the Macy's name) home office that it appeared that someone had the gnutella port open on thier point-of-sale software server (it's exposed to the 'Net!), not that they cared. I have a 'rep' there, at least.
As to finding a place to go daily, well that might be a challenge. There's not a lot here. I appreciate the advice, though - it's good. Maybe I'll really join njlug, rather than just thier mailing list...
Imric's Tips for Living
- Paranoia Is a Survival Trait
- Pessimists are never disappointed - but sometimes, if they are very lucky, they can be pleasantly surprised...
- Even though everyone is out to get you, it doesn't matter unless you let them win.
Nothing is as simple as it seems in the beginning, As hopeless as it seems in the middle, Or as finished as it seems in the end.
Post #129,106
12/5/03 12:29:13 PM

At least he could get his foot in the door there
and even if he didn't get the job, there might be another job he is qualified for.
The IT Market is very competitive now, which is why I've started taking college classes in business management.
deSitter, at least form your own small business, run GNUCash on Linux to keep track of the books and do part-time consulting gigs. You have to network to do this, so go to free computer seminars and pass out business cards to people you meet with there. Figure out the fees to charge so it makes you some money. If you don't know how to run a small business, then take classes at a community college first. It isn't easy, but at least you can make some money off of it even if your skills aren't as marketable as you think they are. Microsoft always has free seminars on their events page [link||] find some in the St. Louis area that are free and go to them. Plenty of people to network with there. As far as Linux goes, check out the user group events: [link||] go and network with them. I am sure you can find local people and companies struggling with Linux there.
That is what I would do if I had an active business and I wanted to make money and I couldn't find a decent job. Attending free seminars and handing out business cards is cheaper than getting an ad in the paper, etc. Also these are people who may know about job postings that aren't in the newspapers, or web sites. You could get a jump on the competition. This is a brilliant idea, don't blow it off.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
Post #129,117
12/5/03 12:54:49 PM

Of course it is with that attitude.
----- Steve