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New Re: Cable is how much?!?
Yep, and in St. Louis County, it's around $70.00 like I said earlier.

Plus they keep trying to eliminate things like ESPN, and that's one third of what I would want.

Not worth it, really for the TV watched.

Speaking of TV, we caught up on 4 episodes of CSI yesterday afternoon... talk about a marathon! ;)

Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."

Comment by Nightowl {O,O}
New Yabut
you've got (IIRC) additional stuff (like PPV or movie channels) and you're digital, which means 1.2 Bazillion channels (and nothing on, to quote the Boss). This is Good Ol' Analog out here in the hinterlands (and only about the proverbial 57 channels, and nothing on, again to quote the Boss).

And it's still $42 and rising...
"There are two ways for you to have lower Prescription-drug costs. One is you could hire Rush Limbaugh's housekeeper ... or you can elect me President."
John Kerry
New Interesting point of comparison
Here in the King County Metro area, we are beholden to Comcast, with no choice for alternatives. Our prices are fairly rediculous. Not too far away, in Tacoma, prices for the exact same services are roughly 50-70% of what we pay, and service is very good.


Because Tacoma built the Click! network as a competitor to Comcast, then AT&T.

Competition, it's the only way to go.
I have a red sign on my door. It says "If this sign is blue, you're going too fast."
     Learned something about CNN tonight - (Nightowl) - (35)
         ... and life with cable TV can be even worse! ;-) -NT - (Another Scott) - (1)
             Re: ... and life with cable TV can be even worse! ;-) - (Nightowl)
         ? ? - (deSitter) - (31)
             In the city maybe - (orion) - (2)
                 Re: In the city maybe - (Nightowl) - (1)
                     DSL is always on - (orion)
             It's more than cost? ? - (Nightowl)
             Kill your television - (tuberculosis) - (22)
                 Re: Kill your television - (Nightowl)
                 the Sovs had it all wrong - (rcareaga) - (2)
                     Shocking, I say *shocking!* - (Ashton) - (1)
                         Payoff? Where the hell have *you* been? - (drewk)
                 Ditto: the Simon Rodia Towers, in Watts. BUT - (Ashton) - (1)
                     I know where the local bar is - (tuberculosis)
                 Multitasking - (deSitter) - (15)
                     Re: Multitasking - (Nightowl) - (13)
                         Re: Multitasking - (deSitter) - (12)
                             Re: Multitasking - (Nightowl) - (11)
                                 Re: Multitasking - (deSitter) - (10)
                                     Re: Multitasking - (Nightowl) - (9)
                                         Re: Multitasking - (deSitter) - (8)
                                             Views on Dr. Phil ( was Re: Multitasking) - (Nightowl) - (7)
                                                 Re: Views on Dr. Phil ( was Re: Multitasking) - (deSitter) - (6)
                                                     Yabut.. might's well tilt at -- - (Ashton) - (5)
                                                         Re: Yabut.. might's well tilt at -- - (Nightowl) - (4)
                                                             Dr. Phil - (orion) - (3)
                                                                 Re: Dr. Phil - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                                                     Well I don't like it - (orion)
                                                                 Re: Dr. Phil - (deSitter)
                     OT: did you watch both rocket showS - (lincoln)
             Cable is how much?!? - (jb4) - (3)
                 Re: Cable is how much?!? - (Nightowl) - (2)
                     Yabut - (jb4) - (1)
                         Interesting point of comparison - (inthane-chan)
         Re: Learned something about CNN tonight - (qstephens)

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