Celebating my Son's birthday Saturday (His is actually Monday) and a friend is having a birthday on Sunday. Busy weekend.
Email me what you want and I'll try to get it. I've been busy with college and building this new system so I haven't gotten a chance to burn the SuSE SRC directory to CDRs yet. Sorry.
"Lady I only speak two languages, English and Bad English!" - Corbin Dallas "The Fifth Element"
I can drive up any time it isn't raining. I'd rather do that because it's a fun ride :) Get to go by the airport and park under the planes for a few, at least until the rentacops run me off...
It's gonna be raining or snowing early in the week and I'm going to Atlanta for N days, N>=7, so I'll email my digits and letters.
I can drive up any time it isn't raining. I'd rather do that because it's a fun ride :) Get to go by the airport and park under the planes for a few, at least until the rentacops run me off...
Hmmmmm I didn't know you liked to play in my neck of the woods, Ross. ;)
Nightowl >8#
"The difference between being immature and child-like is that one is what you are, and one is what you choose to be."