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New I remember that one; surprised the court noticed *well*
(And WTF is the ^%#^@ HTML ploy which prevents hi-liting characters for quoting? Which droid unleashed That one?)

Here's a Deusy:

It would be inimical to the purpose of the Sherman Act to allow monopolists.. to squash nascent, albeit unproven, competitors at will.. particularly in industries marked by rapid technological advance and frequent paradigm shifts.

!! Paradigm shifts reaches the judiciary !! Who Got It, too.

Well.. if he really did read all 39K words - maybe I can too. Sometime. Bet:

As the new stuff gets filtered in for consideration too: Passport, .NET, Hail Storm, Media-player, Smart-ass Tags, SDK - "no OS tools" yada - they want to settle but more - they want to delay = on to USSC.

May they rot in Hell in my lifetime,

New Re: I remember that one; surprised the court noticed *well*
(And WTF is the ^%#^@ HTML ploy which prevents hi-liting characters for quoting? Which droid unleashed That one?)

Select the part you want, then do whatever you do to copy, and see if it pastes.

Often I find its the color selection, so you can't see exactly what you're selecting, but you can still cut and paste.

New Thanks for the blind copy tip
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
New Thanks, will try elsewhere: NG on Coffey's stuff though :[
     Some finer points in Court of Appeals ruling. - (a6l6e6x) - (9)
         I remember that one; surprised the court noticed *well* - (Ashton) - (3)
             Re: I remember that one; surprised the court noticed *well* - (addison) - (2)
                 Thanks for the blind copy tip -NT - (drewk)
                 Thanks, will try elsewhere: NG on Coffey's stuff though :[ -NT - (Ashton)
         I have to wonder... - (admin) - (3)
             I am sure he would feel vindicated and would point out that - (boxley) - (2)
                 Vindicated in one fashion only - (admin) - (1)
                     Don't kid yourselves... - (bepatient)
         Loved this line - (JayMehaffey)

Ich bin LRPD von Borg. Regeneration ist unbrauchbar. Sie werden vergiftet.
37 ms