Wow.... I'm surprised ( was Re: Nightey's FIRIN'!)
Sorry I wasn't here today, and I have to get off FAST, it's about to thunder... so I'll handle the rest later! Meanwhile, I'm answering you all in one post for now.
JB4 wrote:
She's sticking to her guns...you gotta admire that. (Right, Rick?)
Thanks JB, I prefer to think of it as digging into my position for defense, rather than shooting someone without asking questions first. :)
JB4 wrote:
Hey, Nightey.....GREAT Post!
Probably your best post during your tenure here. You take a stand, back it up, and stand by it. Keep it up (and don't let Rick, or jb4, or anybody else change your mind for you)!
Fu Man Chu wrote:
You can admin my board anytime. :)
Wow... I don't even know what to say.... thanks for the vote of confidence. :)
Greg wrote:
Okay... this is getting frightening....
I see that not ONLY is Norm starting to do the right thing...
But YOU are really starting to learn to stick to your guns! BRAVO.
BTW, all owls are raptors... but not all raptors are owls.
Raptors include: hawks vultures falcons owls
So no name change is needed...
The change in You and Norm have completely blown away my worldview... which is good.
Well, the change has really been here for some time, even before I joined here, as in mentally inside. I only started getting brave enough to use or demonstrate it recently. After all, I'm gonna be on my own after Dec, for the first time in over 23 years, with no counselor... I figured I'd better learn how to cope!
And I knew raptors were hawks, vultures, falcons and owls. :) And some raptors are vicious dinosaurs... but that's another movie. ;)
Thanks, Folkert.
I try my best to be the best moderator I can be, but I never kid myself that I AM the best, because I make serious mistakes like anyone and everyone else.
Nightowl >8#