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New X server puzzler
I'm trying to get a particular X server running (cirrus driver).

The bare server starts and correctly loads the mouse and keyboard and all extensions and modules.

As soon as one tries to start an X app on it, it freezes with a garbled area where the app tried to put up its window.

I can still ssh in, kill the server and the app, and restart the machine - but the display remains frozen and dead.

Al the parameters are correct for the server - explicit statement of Membase, IObase, BIOSbase etc. etc. - copied directly from the Windows device manager - Windows driver works fine.

I can get the VESA X server running without acceleration. It also works under XFree 3.x but that has no RENDER so it's not an option.

Any ideas?
New Toggle the frame buffer option
See if the Device section contains an Option "UseFBDev". If so, comment it out. If not, add it in. The docs mention that in some situations use of the buffer can cause havoc, while in others it is needed (and that is really all the info available...)
New No FB, no accel, right?
I'll try it. There should be no problem with the FB, it's at a determinate location and Windows uses it fine. We'll see.
New A hint...
The garbled area is exactly half as big as it should be. So, some kind of banking in mapping the framebuffer must be going on. Windows reserves two addresses for the FB, 0xfc000000 and 0xfd000000. Any ideas? Know any options related?

Hey! Guess what? The XFree documentation sucks. Time for a commercial server.
     X server puzzler - (deSitter) - (3)
         Toggle the frame buffer option - (scoenye) - (2)
             No FB, no accel, right? - (deSitter)
             A hint... - (deSitter)

I'd sooner jump up and down on one foot.
32 ms