It is easier to believe they were framed by evil Taliban fanatics than to accept that these people behaved to stupidly.

There aren't just Islam fanatics in the world; there aren't just Christian fanatics. There are some people who, mistaken as you may think, live a certain set of beliefs. God's Smuggler (by presumably the pseudoanonymous Brother Andrew) talks about he would travel behind the Iron Curtain smuggling Bibles at a time when the Communists were doing their damnedest to stomp out organized religion.

From my memory of reading the book, with his interpretation of the commands of the bible, he sincerely believed it was his duty to bring the Word of God to those behind the Iron Curtain, even though it might mean his imprisonment or, depending what form it took, death. The only trouble is the only story from the book was how he was driving a Volkswagon, I believe, and had to take it in to a mechanic. Mechanic was surprised that it was in such good shape for its mileage, but then Andrew told him the odometer had gone around two or three times.