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New Sports is like Chopin
If you ruin the continuity, you ruin the music.

Hockey teams have been wearing home white since the Ice Age. To change it for whatever reason is just pointless and destructive of tradition.

Who MAKES these idiotic decisions?
New Re: Sports is like Chopin
Bettman and the owners made the decision.

Actually while it has been home white, visitor darks for quite a while, it was apparently the reverse like now at the start for a long time until the switch to home whites. Don't know the reason for the switch.

CFL teams up here have darks for home games and I've never gotten used to it. I doubt I'll do the same for quite some time with hockey. Hard to shake something you've been used to all your life... :-)
New Hmm, musta changed in the 50s
If you image-google "Rocket Richard" he's mostly in red. If you image-google "Bernie Geoffrion" he's about half red and half white :)

My sort of bad. My film vault from the 50s is sketchy :)
New nope - search sez 70-71 season
(..trying to imagine Bobby Orr's flying goal..guess he was in black..memory's fading, fading, fading..I was put into existence in 1959 and I'd like to sing you a song..Daisy, Daisy..)
New As I said...
...been home whites my whole life. :-)

Wish I could have seen the magic of Bobby Orr but at least I was around for Gretzky and Lemieux, not to mention the high flying Oiler days.
New I missed almost all of Gretzky
When the Flames departed Atlanta in 1980, hockey coverage dropped to trace levels.

Then I moved to Denver in 1989, where there was little interest in NHL hockey (but a thriving fan base for the DU Pioneers) - and games on cable or network were rare.

So, from 1980 to 1996, I was essentially hockeyless, missing the entire Gretzky era :(

In the early 70s, NBC had a regular Saturday afternoon game, and that's where I got my first taste of hockey - so I do actually remember Bobby Orr playing. When we got the Flames in 1972, I was already a fan.
New Re: As I said...
Wish I could have seen the magic of Bobby Orr but at least I was around for Gretzky and Lemieux, not to mention the high flying Oiler days.

I followed Lemieux from about 1988 onward, and I thought he was just awesome. I followed him through all his comebacks, injuries, and retirement, and back to the team again as owner and then player, and I have 2 completely full 3 inch 3-ring notebooks on him.

I wasn't big on Gretzky, don't know why, but I wasn't. And I still believe that had Mario kept playing all this time and at healthy strength, he would have beaten all of Wayne's records. :)

Nightowl >8#
"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
     Another hockey season has started... - (lister) - (20)
         Re: Another hockey season has started... - (Nightowl) - (2)
             Oh geez, pick two teams that aren't going anywhere... - (lister) - (1)
                 Re: Oh geez, pick two teams that aren't going anywhere... - (Nightowl)
         Mats wasn't skating at the Joe. - (mmoffitt) - (6)
             Re: Mats wasn't skating at the Joe. - (Nightowl) - (2)
                 Eddie The Eagle - (lister) - (1)
                     Re: Eddie The Eagle - (Nightowl)
             Hey now, careful with the slurs! - (lister) - (2)
                 zat Mikael Tellquist you're on about? Relax; he WILL pan out -NT - (CRConrad) - (1)
                     Yep that's him... - (lister)
         What's this BS with the unis? Dark at home? Huh??? -NT - (deSitter) - (8)
             Just to be a pain in the ass methinks - (lister) - (7)
                 Sports is like Chopin - (deSitter) - (6)
                     Re: Sports is like Chopin - (lister) - (5)
                         Hmm, musta changed in the 50s - (deSitter) - (4)
                             nope - search sez 70-71 season - (deSitter) - (3)
                                 As I said... - (lister) - (2)
                                     I missed almost all of Gretzky - (deSitter)
                                     Re: As I said... - (Nightowl)
         ICLRPD (new thread) - (Another Scott)

Where's my tinfoil hat...?
47 ms