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New Mark Steyn: Plame bigger than Watergate
[link|http://www.spectator.co.uk/article.php3?table=old§ion=current&issue=2003-10-11&id=3592|Curioser and curioser]


No, this isn\ufffdt Watergate; it\ufffds bigger than that. The version of the story that still fits the facts is in that Bob Novak Sun-Times column from July. Novak wanted to know why Wilson had been chosen to go to Africa. It\ufffds one thing not to be a card-carrying neocon, quite another to be as antipathetic to the administration and the war as this fellow. The White House asked the CIA, the CIA recommended Wilson, and their recommendation was accepted automatically. But what the original leakers told Novak was that it was Mrs Wilson who\ufffdd proposed her husband for the job. The Company responded that their counter-proliferation officials came up with Wilson and they only used the wife to contact him.

It doesn\ufffdt really matter which version you believe, because the end result\ufffds the same: an agency known to be opposed to war in Iraq sent an employee\ufffds spouse also known to be opposed to war in Iraq on a perfunctory joke mission. And, after eight days sipping tea and meeting government officials in one city of one country, Ambassador Wilson gave a verbal report to the CIA and was horrified to switch on his TV and see Bush going on about what British Intelligence had learned about Saddam and Africa.

I say:

Heads gotta roll, dammit. The line between incompetence and treason is so blurry now that the distinction no longer signifies. We need to clean house in the CIA.


Why is this important? Because, in a nutshell, Iraq is the last war. That\ufffds to say, the last war in which the Bush administration will spend the months beforehand amassing a quarter of a million troops on an enemy\ufffds borders. Doing it that way gives the enemy too long to enlist his own forces \ufffd the Western media, the UN and the moth-eaten French pantomime mule of Messrs Chirac and de Villepin. All these parties are dedicated to ensuring that even when the Americans win, they lose. The speed with which they\ufffdve managed to taint victory in Iraq is impressive, though it bears no relation to anything so tiresome as reality. So from hereon in engagements in the war of terror will be swift, sudden and as low-key as can be managed. The US will depend not on multilateralism but bilateralism \ufffd the many agreements the Americans have signed for base rights and training missions and other below-the-radar stuff from the Middle East through old Soviet Central Asia to the Pacific. There will be, faute de mieux, a reliance on light and mobile configurations and special forces.

But all these engagements will depend on good intelligence. If the Third Infantry Division rolls across the Syrian border, it can handle anything Boy Assad can throw at it. But, if you\ufffdre sending in a few Delta Force guys to take discreet care of a small problem, you need to be very well informed of the facts on the ground. Two years after 9/11, the CIA is still not up to the job of human intelligence. It has no idea of what\ufffds going on in Iran or North Korea. It relies on aerial photographs and \ufffdchatter\ufffd \ufffd which is a fancy term for monitoring e-mail. But it has no insight whatsoever into the minds of the Politburo or the mullahs. So, when it comes to their nuclear ambitions, all we have is guesswork \ufffd or, more accurately, wishful thinking, given that both Hashemi Rafsanjani and the Norks have promised to use their nukes as soon as they can.

I say:

Our military is doing its job. Our Commander in Chief - as such - is doing his job. The CIA is not doing its job. Immigration is not doing its job. The State department is bungling its job. Justice may be bungling, too. At least they're trying to clean house at the FBI.

We have got to fire some bureaucrats. Or better yet, put some in jail.

By the way, if we won with "Clinton's" military, is this by the same token "Clinton's" CIA? Just asking.
"I do not want to be admired by scumbags and liars and wife beaters. I want to be admired by good and decent, intelligent and just people, and in order to achieve this I need to do things that make me despised by their opposites." - Bill Whittle
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Who's CIA?
"By the way, if we won with "Clinton's" military, is this by the same token "Clinton's" CIA? Just asking."

Actually, it takes a little longer to grow an effective covert intelligence-gathering community than to put together an efficient fighting force. This is the earlier Bush's CIA.

As the Texas lege has shown in the recent redistricting train wreck, when these guys run out of "enemies" to chew up and spit out, they are more than happy to devour their "friends".

I'm not a complete idiot -- some parts are missing
New How much longer?
We kinda need one right now.
"I do not want to be admired by scumbags and liars and wife beaters. I want to be admired by good and decent, intelligent and just people, and in order to achieve this I need to do things that make me despised by their opposites." - Bill Whittle
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
New Like I said
The CIA we have now (that your benjamin is so busily selling down the river for short-term political gain) is Bush pere's CIA, not Clinton's.

And I have to ask: why do you say we need one right now? It only gets in the way of what we already know is the right thing to do. Just like Congress, the Liberal Media, Yurp, the UN, Mother Teresa, and every other laughable, ideologically suspect entity in the world, the CIA's only possible use is as a scapegoat to prevent our easily duped constituents from losing faith in us when we encounter the inevitable bump in our pre-ordained and fabulously successful road.

Hiding behind "facts" and feeling insecure without checks and balances in place means you've already accepted failure as an option. America doesn't need a loser in command. A leader is one who leads, not one who follows.

"I know what I believe. I will continue to articulate what I believe and what I believe \ufffd I believe what I believe is right." \ufffdGeorge W. Bush, in Rome, July 22, 2001 Sola Fides?

New I Believe.._____I'll have an antacid..
New Truth sourer than sarcasm
New Yorker article [link|http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?031027fa_fact|http://www.newyorker...nt/?031027fa_fact] about why this administration has had such bad intel. Specific discussion about the CIA evaluating the assumption that Chalabi would be popular in post-Saddam Iraq.

A lot of these Politics and Regional/World Conflict threads really belong in the PHB forum.

An official familiar with the evaluation described how it subjected that scenario to the principle of what planners call \ufffdbranches and sequels\ufffd\ufffdthat is, \ufffdplan for what you expect not to happen.\ufffd The official said, \ufffdIt was a \ufffdwhat could go wrong\ufffd study. What if it turns out that Ahmad Chalabi is not so popular? What\ufffds Plan B if you discover that Chalabi and his boys don\ufffdt have it in them to accomplish the overthrow?\ufffd

The people in the policy offices didn\ufffdt seem to care. When the official asked about the analysis, he was told by a colleague that the new Pentagon leadership wanted to focus not on what could go wrong but on what would go right. He was told that the study\ufffds exploration of options amounted to planning for failure. [my emphasis] \ufffdTheir methodology was analogous to tossing a coin five times and assuming that it would always come up heads,\ufffd the official told me. \ufffdYou need to think about what would happen if it comes up tails.\ufffd

I hear our economy is having a "Jobless Recovery." I suspect I will soon be enjoying this Jobless Recovery by eating a Foodless Meal in my Roofless Home. Kurt Shapiro, Seattle
New your first eye sez is asinine
What does incompetence of the CIA have to do with blowing someones cover for a cheap political shot? Good agents have been killed in the past, so why is Mr. Rule of Law overlooking this little bugaboo?
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
     Mark Steyn: Plame bigger than Watergate - (marlowe) - (6)
         Who's CIA? - (GBert) - (4)
             How much longer? - (marlowe) - (3)
                 Like I said - (GBert) - (2)
                     I Believe.._____I'll have an antacid.. -NT - (Ashton)
                     Truth sourer than sarcasm - (GBert)
         your first eye sez is asinine - (boxley)

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