I believe that any competent Nurse-Practitioner (if you have those in Mo) would immediately tag your condition as Serious if not Critical. Nurses are the backbone of this decaying system, as doubtless you are aware. And you know enough to immediately cultivate the good offices of the first one to actully SEE! you. It is they who will finally be giving you the attention which the modern MD rarely will provide. (Hollywood movies - still what many people think is Real)

None of us is competent to deal with the implications which, as you correctly assign - are endemic to the AMA-Sy$tem of Pharm-Chem substitutes for actual personal examination and treatment of a human being..

As example, I know a person on Medicare (MDs are fleeing from even seeing such) - with an MD who won't look you in the eye or Listen (!) Ever. A lengthy digression would not be useful here; suffice it to say I have observed this situation closely and that particular MD.. and this is ongoing. Much hearsay and some experience convinces me that 'endemic' (or epidemic) are not exaggerations.

Have a digital camera? What you can do is take meticulous, dated notes. You are preparing your Case, whether or not it ever proves feasible to pursue the legal-aspect of the Overall mess. Your command of language means you can augment the photos with much like your post: detailed self observation of 'condition', wise-enough awareness of certain implications. In brief, you are a person who could parry the inevitable ad-hominem and other ploys of cross-examination as to "your competence to describe the events" (IMO)

Meanwhile, and as Box and Jack have suggested - please inventory your confiscatable assets (you get to keep wheels - and I dunno what MO law is like as to details), get an appointment SAP with a Case Worker for whatever Medi-Cal (Medi-Mo) calls itself, emphasizing on first call - that yours is a life-threatening situation, and soon you may be immobile and unable even to receive incompetent 'emergency' treatment. <<<

(I'm sure you understand bears/honey/vinegar -- and that the minion you reach ain't got no Power either.)

Taking your description verbatim, please Do This!
- and if you can't manage part of it, I hope.. that a couple of the Locals might find a spare moment -??- to convey you to whichever: the Medi-Mo office or what passes for a different locale for medical treatment (from your past misadventures).

It can only be Good {for your Case} to have along an independent witness too, the more articulate (but restrained) the better.. but any supporting warm body beats, later-on, He said/She said.

S/He should take current notes as well, immediately after any interaction IMhO. Having a Witness.. can provoke second thoughts.. (or the first real ones) even amongst the desensitized bizness oriented droids who Run this facsimile of a system. Few people do this part right; your having done so.. will endear you to any attorney pondering whether to take on percentage. Or Principle. {it happens}
(ACLU ?? if StL stuff is Really Bad)

Alas, you're just too far away to imagine assisting in any minutia. But I've enough anecdotal experience of similar stuff to opine: your English usage is your sword - most folks are absurdly ignorant of their own bodies and how to describe sequences of events in any useful way; you can be brief and accurate - that's bound to be a real edge over the norm for this - IMO.

Lastly, you are possibly candidate for a CAT scan (re those thickenings), a full blood workup and no doubt a few other tests. Delay.. that is what you must fight, with the carefully implicit threat of (wrongful death suit, should you continue to be ignored). Don't know how to suggest the running of that dance, but I'm sure you see the delicacy.. so as not to be dubbed hypochondriac and other suitably dehumanizing labels that are often employed.

It's not Your Fault that we are a nasty litigious society -- and that antediluvian 'medicine' has created the law-$-attractor of Malpractice; but that is the milieu you are now in. You may need to swing that battle-axe, if all else fails, y'know? Swing it In Time!

