Still lookin fer Truth via logic and those famous Facts, eh?
(Maybe in the same place as that Objective Morality\ufffd - if you just get the algorithm Righteous-enough and hold yer mouth just-so.)

{sigh} -- if they let you live another 20, 30 years, then maybe -

Uhh - maybe not. Some wetware hardens completely during the Tyro phase.. All that's left then is: late-night Tee Vee, explainin to the invisible audience exactly What God Wants You to Do.. (lessn' ya wanna fry for umm not-listening-to-Me.)

WTF - it's a living, kinda.

But hey.. I wouldn't wish that fate on anyone who might evade it! - so here's hoping you manage to get through these Doldrums of Dead Certainty, before the jelloware sets up permanently.

Pullin fer ya..
