Fucking Mollycoddling -
Hah - seems about time for the Flame-Fuck Cannon, then.. OK
(that's coddling.. not cuddling) - the latter, an expression largely alien to those an ocean away from the Mother tongue, and possessed of the sensual subtlety of a HeyBabeLet'sFuck patois / mollycoddling Obvious-ass frippery:
Izzat All you Ever Think of? Something to Eat?
Let us next parse HowItIs in Puritan-besotted Fear-of-Death-obsessed wastelands, inhabited by over-armed under-civilized twits: that.. the same word used by the terminally dull to connote a desire for a tenderness they cannot return, except to mime it -
is PerZackly the same word, uttered in the expletive, for: Die You Sucker!
No wonder we're fucking invading Other fucking countries because we've got the Fucking Guns - and don't think we need Fuck-all else. (And Shrub n'Dickie are gonna teach Them Murican 'morality' !! )
IT STARTS in grammar school, from:
Confusing Fucking and Fuck-You. And it NEVER gets any brighter in this desert of dulled human sensibilities and of loudmouthed Lying hucksters -
So.. STUFF yer frickin n' friggin n'whackin (on or off) n' other badges of The Holy-Guilt-ridden -- the Language! of a sexually repressed / diseased / preoccupied /Fucked-^UP^ nation of perennial sexual adolescents and titterers: who ain't gots the First Idea of how to make poetry amongst the genders.. and lack even the self-perception of this auto-mutilated impoverishment!
..ever to try to Find Out What They Lack.
Have A Nice Day, er Bang! Bang!
After all, the poverty of one's psyche - begins from being carefully taught trite homilies by a shallow parent within a banal culture. And Walking Tall with that burden.