And I think the country's problems go way deeper than Democrat or Republican. It goes to the root problems of society. Mainly, that people don't care too much for one another any more and greed.

Man.... you cut right to my deepest fear.... people not caring about one another. Employers not caring about their employees... etc. etc.

My grandparents and my wife's grandparents did incredible things in the Great Depression to help others. My maternal grandad didn't charge rent during winter months for renters who were employees of his construction business. My paternal grandparents took in a single mom with 3 kids (with 4 kids of their own already) for 3-4 years. My wife's grandparents fed the hobos riding on the train. Is there any kind of love and compassion like that today? I'd like to hear those stories, AND make those people heros to my children.

I agree, there is far too little compassion, caring and helping in the world. I do my best, it isn't much, but I do my best, because I was raised by my father and mother to BE that sort of person, kind, caring and helping.

I gave a gift of money to a family in need after my closing church left it to me (a portion for each member) to distribute where I saw fit. I've taken people into my home before, many times. Not since I moved here and got married, but before that, I did. I've driven many a person without a license or in need of a ride, even as much as back and forth to work.

I TRY to be that example, that my parents taught me, of loving kindness, and compassion and caring... Then I wind up deceived, lied to, hurt and disillusioned. :( Sigh.

But I keep on keeping on, because it's who I am, and I believe in it. As long as I'm able to help someone, I can, and it's within my means to do, I try.

I know I'm not quite the story you wanted to hear about, but at least it proves there are those out there (at least one, in me), who continue to try and show that sort of love and compassion. :)

Nightowl >8#