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New part of the plan....
....where do you think all that money went that we used to have?

The plan that originated more than ten years ago in Texas is
sure being implemented mighty well. It's only when people get
mad-as-hell that things will improve.

My $.02,
New Define Mad as Hell?
I'm a pretty much lifelong Republican, and I'm thinking of voting something else in the next election.

The problem I have is that 90% of the Democrats are just as sold out to the same, or similar business interests.

And I think the country's problems go way deeper than Democrat or Republican. It goes to the root problems of society. Mainly, that people don't care too much for one another any more and greed.

My grandparents and my wife's grandparents did incredible things in the Great Depression to help others. My maternal grandad didn't charge rent during winter months for renters who were employees of his construction business. My paternal grandparents took in a single mom with 3 kids (with 4 kids of their own already) for 3-4 years. My wife's grandparents fed the hobos riding on the train. Is there any kind of love and compassion like that today? I'd like to hear those stories, AND make those people heros to my children.

Especially rich people. One article recently posted in another forum on iWeThey said that the top 1% of the rich basically doubled their real net worth in the last decade, and the rest of us, well we were taken (screwed, f*****, whatever).

So, I would say I'm not terribly happy with the fact that we're trying a whole lot harder to make ends meet in 2003, when our house payment is only $40 a month more than it was in 1989. Basically, I think that even though our income has increased since 1989/1990, inflation for other stuff ( healthcare, gasoline, food, etc. ) has basically made stuff that was 50 cents in 1989 cost $1 today, and most of us didn't get the luxury of having our salary doubled in the same period.

So, now people are asking me to settle for expectations that I'll make LESS in the next decade, not more, but you can bet your booty that gas will be at least $3.00 a gallon (in Texas), a pound of beef will be $4.00, and my electric bill will probably average $400 a month (from $280 a month today). So, how in the heck am I going to sustain a standard of living?

I won't, and it will tick me off. And I'll do what it takes to feed my family, but the greediest in society are about to get one HELL of a pushback!

One big thing I would like to see is people spending their money with small businesses, instead of the mega-corps where the wealth is concentrated.

I was in a store recently, and discovered that some of the best appliances built in America today, are built by smaller companies that care about quality, names like Bosch and Viking. Yes, they cost twice what a GE might cost, but they last 4 times as long.

And when I visited the "appliance clearance center", the room was littered with GE appliances. Even the "high end" Artica stuff was on clearance.

So, eschew the "Big Guys" who advertise a lot, have companies run by MBAs, and care more about the bucks than the customers. That's starting to become my practice, and actually, I'm going to do it more and more.

I want to know the people who sell me stuff, and I expect them to take care of me when things break and don't go as planned. I want to live in a smaller community, and get feedback on who is "good business" and who is "bad".

Glen Austin
New Re: Define Mad as Hell?
And I think the country's problems go way deeper than Democrat or Republican. It goes to the root problems of society. Mainly, that people don't care too much for one another any more and greed.

Man.... you cut right to my deepest fear.... people not caring about one another. Employers not caring about their employees... etc. etc.

My grandparents and my wife's grandparents did incredible things in the Great Depression to help others. My maternal grandad didn't charge rent during winter months for renters who were employees of his construction business. My paternal grandparents took in a single mom with 3 kids (with 4 kids of their own already) for 3-4 years. My wife's grandparents fed the hobos riding on the train. Is there any kind of love and compassion like that today? I'd like to hear those stories, AND make those people heros to my children.

I agree, there is far too little compassion, caring and helping in the world. I do my best, it isn't much, but I do my best, because I was raised by my father and mother to BE that sort of person, kind, caring and helping.

I gave a gift of money to a family in need after my closing church left it to me (a portion for each member) to distribute where I saw fit. I've taken people into my home before, many times. Not since I moved here and got married, but before that, I did. I've driven many a person without a license or in need of a ride, even as much as back and forth to work.

I TRY to be that example, that my parents taught me, of loving kindness, and compassion and caring... Then I wind up deceived, lied to, hurt and disillusioned. :( Sigh.

But I keep on keeping on, because it's who I am, and I believe in it. As long as I'm able to help someone, I can, and it's within my means to do, I try.

I know I'm not quite the story you wanted to hear about, but at least it proves there are those out there (at least one, in me), who continue to try and show that sort of love and compassion. :)

Nightowl >8#

"I learned to be the door, instead of the mat!" "illegitimi nil carborundum"

Comment by Nightowl
New Read my posts over the last 5 yrs :)
But NOOOO, I was CRAZY..

(well, I guess I am sort of crazy...)
New Re: Define Mad as Hell?

I was talking with friends over the weekend. The line that was given was "I've been pretty apolitical until recently". The response: "I've been hearing that a lot". Followed by some intense conversation, much of it reading like a political thriller. Until I read the same stuff in [link|http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=11811|reasonable regarded news sites] the next day. Prety much verbatim.

Karsten M. Self [link|mailto:kmself@ix.netcom.com|kmself@ix.netcom.com]\r\n
What part of "gestalt" don't you understand?\r\n
[link|http://twiki.iwethey.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/|TWikIWETHEY] -- an experiment in collective intelligence. Stupidity. Whatever.\r\n
   Keep software free.     Oppose the CBDTPA.     Kill S.2048 dead.\r\n[link|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html|http://www.eff.org/alerts/20020322_eff_cbdtpa_alert.html]\r\n
New why wait to hear stories from other people?
Dont wait for the next guy, the next time you see someone in need step up. It doesnt matter if no one see's, you, it doesnt matter if no one else cares. You do your part and the rest can go hang,,, or not.
"You're just like me streak. You never left the free-fire zone.You think aspirins and meetings and cold showers are going to clean out your head. What you want is God's permission to paint the trees with the bad guys. That wont happen big mon." Clete
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New I am mad as hell
Once you reach a certain level (whether it's called VP or something else) you get paid obscene amounts of money and take no real responsibility. I am being laid off because upper management has no real business plan and has managed the company into the ground. Yet, the VP in charge of my division didn't get fired but bumped sideways. He now has a brand new division to run which he can now manage into the ground as well. How many times when big companies lay off x% of the workforce do you hear of executives getting canned? They just get shifted around like the deck chairs on the Titanic. And, in the event that they do leave, they get a golden parachute so they have no financial worries for the rest of their life. There is no way that the CEO of any company is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. They are not the ones producing the products, innovating, etc. The people who do that are you and me, yet we are treated like dirt.

I don't have an answer, but I know that the current situation cannot continue much longer.
New Define Mad as Hell?
I'm a pretty much lifelong Republican, and I'm thinking of voting something else in the next election.

The problem I have is that 90% of the Democrats are just as sold out to the same, or similar business interests.

And I think the country's problems go way deeper than Democrat or Republican. It goes to the root problems of society. Mainly, that people don't care too much for one another any more and greed.

My grandparents and my wife's grandparents did incredible things in the Great Depression to help others. My maternal grandad didn't charge rent during winter months for renters who were employees of his construction business. My paternal grandparents took in a single mom with 3 kids (with 4 kids of their own already) for 3-4 years. My wife's grandparents fed the hobos riding on the train. Is there any kind of love and compassion like that today? I'd like to hear those stories, AND make those people heros to my children.

Especially rich people. One article recently posted in another forum on iWeThey said that the top 1% of the rich basically doubled their real net worth in the last decade, and the rest of us, well we were taken (screwed, f*****, whatever).

So, I would say I'm not terribly happy with the fact that we're trying a whole lot harder to make ends meet in 2003, when our house payment is only $40 a month more than it was in 1989. Basically, I think that even though our income has increased since 1989/1990, inflation for other stuff ( healthcare, gasoline, food, etc. ) has basically made stuff that was 50 cents in 1989 cost $1 today, and most of us didn't get the luxury of having our salary doubled in the same period.

So, now people are asking me to settle for expectations that I'll make LESS in the next decade, not more, but you can bet your booty that gas will be at least $3.00 a gallon (in Texas), a pound of beef will be $4.00, and my electric bill will probably average $400 a month (from $280 a month today). So, how in the heck am I going to sustain a standard of living?

I won't, and it will tick me off. And I'll do what it takes to feed my family, but the greediest in society are about to get one HELL of a pushback!

One big thing I would like to see is people spending their money with small businesses, instead of the mega-corps where the wealth is concentrated.

I was in a store recently, and discovered that some of the best appliances built in America today, are built by smaller companies that care about quality, names like Bosch and Viking. Yes, they cost twice what a GE might cost, but they last 4 times as long.

And when I visited the "appliance clearance center", the room was littered with GE appliances. Even the "high end" Artica stuff was on clearance.

So, eschew the "Big Guys" who advertise a lot, have companies run by MBAs, and care more about the bucks than the customers. That's starting to become my practice, and actually, I'm going to do it more and more.

I want to know the people who sell me stuff, and I expect them to take care of me when things break and don't go as planned. I want to live in a smaller community, and get feedback on who is "good business" and who is "bad".

Glen Austin
New You didn't get around to Wealth and Democracy yet?
I understand, it is kind of long.

He doesn't quite come out and say it, but the historical parallels strongly suggest that that the USA could wind up with an armed rebellion by 2015 or so. Certainly the current plutocracy won't remain in power forever. It will just seem like it for the next few years.

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New I have more faith in American resilience
I don't see armed rebellion, but I do see gigantic economic collapse - I'm already making plans to move back to the parents, who want me there in any case. They'll need me. There is still time to change things - immediately extricate ourselves from the Mideast, cut off support for Israel and tell them to sink or swim, let Mideast states know that getting out of line will be dramatically punished from above, tell Saudi Arabia to fuck off, start making things here again and get a handle on corporate stupidity and venality and make some legislative changes designed exclusively for the middle class, as in job protection, tariffs if needed, a general retreat from globalization, kick out all illegals and in general behave in a xenocritical way.
New I wouldn't rule out armed rebellion.
Hell, you and I have argued enough over the years about Amendment 2 to know what it means that I went out and got a firearm permit.

[Edit: typo]

The soul and substance of what customarily ranks as patriotism is moral cowardice and always has been...We have thrown away the most valuable asset we had-- the individual's right to oppose both flag and country when he (just he, by himself) believed them to be in the wrong. We have thrown it away; and with it all that was really respectable about that grotesque and laughable word, Patriotism.

- Mark Twain, "Monarchical and Republican Patriotism"
Expand Edited by mmoffitt Sept. 30, 2003, 12:24:12 PM EDT
New Oh, that comes first...
Well not quite an economic collapse. There is a recovery on, don't you know? And of course there are plenty of alternatives available.

Rebellion only comes after all hope of resolving the issues through more accepted channels is exhausted. As you note, it is clear that hope is far from gone at this point. But a lot can change over a dozen years.

For an outline of the general themes that lead that way, see [link|http://z.iwethey.org/forums/render/content/show?contentid=107614|http://z.iwethey.org...?contentid=107614].

"good ideas and bad code build communities, the other three combinations do not"
- [link|http://archives.real-time.com/pipermail/cocoon-devel/2000-October/003023.html|Stefano Mazzocchi]
New Do you really think any of that is going to happen?
I don't. I don't believe that things will change until it is too late. Why would Congress make legislative changes to beneift the middle class when the elites are the ones who finance their campaigns. In fact, given redistricting and the advantages of incumbency, there are very few competitive races in the House. The Congressmen get nice salaries, great benefits, and all kinds of perks. They aren't feeling the pain and therefore they aren't going to change the status quo that keeps them in power.

As for reversing globalization I don't see how that can happen. The whole corporate structure has come to depend on cheap foreign workers producing goods at low prices.
     With folks losing their jobs, I hate to post this. - (mmoffitt) - (36)
         Don't feel bad... - (folkert) - (4)
             Re: Don't feel bad... - (deSitter) - (1)
                 I just use them for a while now... - (folkert)
             Giving up Half Price Books, too? - (gdaustin) - (1)
                 Local libraries are great. - (inthane-chan)
         Condolences - (jbrabeck) - (14)
             Happening here in Aust too - (dmarker)
             part of the plan.... - (slugbug) - (12)
                 Define Mad as Hell? - (gdaustin) - (5)
                     Re: Define Mad as Hell? - (Nightowl)
                     Read my posts over the last 5 yrs :) - (deSitter)
                     Re: Define Mad as Hell? - (kmself)
                     why wait to hear stories from other people? - (boxley)
                     I am mad as hell - (bluke)
                 Define Mad as Hell? - (gdaustin)
                 You didn't get around to Wealth and Democracy yet? - (ben_tilly) - (4)
                     I have more faith in American resilience - (deSitter) - (3)
                         I wouldn't rule out armed rebellion. - (mmoffitt)
                         Oh, that comes first... - (ben_tilly)
                         Do you really think any of that is going to happen? - (bluke)
         Re: With folks losing their jobs, I hate to post this. - (deSitter)
         Well, that sucks! - (a6l6e6x)
         Upgrade to something cheaper, like a Cub or Champ - (bbronson) - (2)
             Upgrade? To a Champ? - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                 Well, of course, it's a taildragger ;-D - (bbronson)
         Sorry to hear it. - (imric)
         Okay, now I feel better. Thanks * -NT - (mmoffitt) - (3)
             Bite me. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
                 Now THAT is more along the lines I expected. - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     :D - (inthane-chan)
         bummer, any chance of trading down to an ultra lite? - (boxley)
         Same sit here... - (gdaustin)
         Well . . . - (Ashton)
         I hear you - (tuberculosis) - (2)
             Thanks. - (mmoffitt)
             OT check this - (boxley)

We sell COFFEE-flavored coffee.
180 ms