Wondering re such 'talents'.. how they come about.
Idiot savant? Yes, that's an extreme case, but - is it possible that many sports luminaries ('hero' can never again be applied to such dilettantes, we see - that much changed on 9/11) -- are simply deficient in the normal social sensibilities? One-note Johnnys (or Barrys) and *this* happens to be that one note?
Remember, lotsa folks in school never made even the mediocre cliques, were always awkward. Many, later of course - found out how utterly mindless, ovine and silly were those cliques: and got some moxie on their own..
But some never quite get the hang of homo-sap duplicity, glad-handing and other deceptions. Is that enough reason to maybe give the Bonds of the world (and the Dimaggios?) a bit of a break - even some sympathy, perhaps?