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New Gen. Shelton the Clinton-Gore accomplice?
Hmmm.... is this the same Gen. Hugh Shelton who was behind the Clinton administration's heinous secret plans to unilaterally (albeit with British help) invade Iraq and establish a puppet government there? [link|http://www.larouchepub.com/lar/1999/lar_shelton_2603.html| Why General Shelton must retire now]

You gotta wonder what fiendish scheme the Clinton-Gore puppetmasters are cooking up now, playing their accomplices against each other like that.

I'm not a complete idiot -- some parts are missing
New Lyndon LaRouche conspiracy theory! Love it!
Not many guys would go out on such a limb as to postulate Bill Clinton actually doing something on this scale. What a subgenius.
Americans: a pack, not a herd.
Never mind all the mass graves. Where's the nerve gas?
     Gen. Hugh Shelton badmouths Wesley Clark - (marlowe) - (2)
         Gen. Shelton the Clinton-Gore accomplice? - (GBert) - (1)
             Lyndon LaRouche conspiracy theory! Love it! - (marlowe)

This just in, kid: the mere fact that it's written down and believed in by millions of simpletons does not make something true.
48 ms